Chapter - 40

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IN Adi and Aruhi's room

Adi : we have a good news

Aruhi : what is that .

Adi : Ayan and Saniya are going to married and it will be a private marrage .Only family member will be present .

Aruhi: Really Its a good news but how will be managed everything .

Adi : it will be manage .

Aruhi : wow now we will be three sister in law and always live together

Adi : what's fun in this .

Aruhi : you are such a fun spoiler .
  We have to do many thing
Shopping and preparation

Adi : relax everything will manage .

and marriage will happened in USA .

Aruhi : yes I know but there is a another good news we are becoming uncle and aunty . Sister is pregnant

Adi : wow what a good news , double celebration
Aruhi : yes .

And they reached the hall room with their talking .

Armaan and Ahahana also reach there .

Adi : Congratulations bhai(brother) bhabi(sister-in-law) .

Armaan & ashana : Thank you .

Adi : We have celebrate it grand way .

Armaan : I don't think it should be possible . It's risk for Ahahana's life .

Adi : Yes in happiness I forget the most important thing .

Armaan : I think we should keep it sceret as long as we can .

Ahahana : Armaan I want to say something .

Armaan : what happened is everything ok .

Ahahana : Yes its about them .

Armaan : what about them ?

Ahahana : I don't understand anything about them , their behavior is not anything wrong they don't have any odd behavior towards us .

Aruhi : They are genuinely happy for us .

Adi : Then why they support That's murderer .

Ahahana : Are they also cheating Rathore ?

Armaan : we have to find out everything , From tomorrow our project work started we have to take every steps carefully . Whoever the curpit is all will get the worse punishment .

Next morning

After taking breakfast Armaan and Adi and Aruhi go to the office and Ahahana go for hospital .

At time Rathore's and Anjali who come with them  reach there

Reception  welcome them

At Meeting room

Armaan greet them formally

Arhaan : she is Anjali Arora singh Rathore empire  co-pathner .

Aruhi : Doesn't look like .

Ahaan : She is joining bussiness with these projects .

Armaan : It's very important project for me and a newcomer with out any experience are you think it's good Mr CM .

Arhaan : She is very intelligent and top of her university You should give her a chance .

Adi : It's your bussiness matter Mr Rathore it's your decision but any mistake we wouldn't tolerate .

Armaan : So from today we started our work

Arhaan : of course .

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