Chapter -30

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In AR mansion at evening

Ahahana and Aruhi prepared for everything with helped the of servants .
They were were getting ready for the party  .

Armaan and Aditiya also came down after ready waiting for their better half .

After some minute Ahahana and Aruhi also come and they two are looking Gorgeous .

They all sit on the car and started for their destination .

After 30 minute they reach at the venue ,Rathores also come to attend the after passing from press they all enter the hall .

The host of the party welcome them they greet back formally .

Ahaan and Adi glaring each other continuously . When Armaan and Arhaan royally ignored each other .
The party is going on some businessman try make conversion with them .

Ahahana and Aruhi  also with their side .

Otherside Anjali continuously looking at Armaan .

Anjali in mind : I think I should force on AR he is better then everything from Rathore brothers , I should have show my charm to him .

Anjali : Hello Mr . Armaan I am Anjali Singh forward her hand for handshake

Armaan just nod his head .

But Anjali try again

Anjali : would you mind to dance with me ?

But cut by Ahahana

Ahahana : Actually I mind ms singh I don't like my husband dance with some random woman .

Anjali : excuse me you know who I am . I am Divya Arora singh daughter . You are a random girl who just because marry AR got this position .

Armaan : Mind your language who ever you are , don't forget with whom you are taking .

Divya : you shout at my daughter for this girl who have no status in our society .

Aruhi : Yes yes we have no equal standard as you are the daughter of fraud and we are daughter of respectful man .

Arhaan : Mrs Aruhi  don't disrespect divya aunt it's not good for you

Aruhi : Are you her bodyguard or what that you come here to save him .

Ahaan : Mr.Aditiya  I must say you married with a mannerless woman .

Aruhi : as if you are the idol of manner .

Divya : Mr . Adi I must say you have no control over your wife what type of man you are .

Before Armaan or Adi could answer

Aruhi : How dare you to Divya singh Arora . You are flying very high  right .
Tomorrow you will be finished .

Divya : what will you do you just a mare girl infront of Rajveer Arora's daughter power . He will come out of jail till tomorrow

Aruhi smirking : I will also see who much Rajveer Arora's daughter power in front of Ad 's wife

Listening this everyone got quite
Divya : what

Adi : she is not understanding please made her understand otherwise she will get attack in shock .

Aruhi:  We two are the greats AR brothers wife. So in front our power is nothing your so called power
And our other introduction will be slowly . You don't need to know who's daughter we are .

Mr .Rathore : who's daughter they are Mr . Armaan .

Armaan : As they said you don't need to know Mr Rathore Who They are . I hope now you all understand .

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