Chapter -7

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In NYC, AR mansion

Behind the place in big riding ground a man riding horse . Body guards were surrounding all side of the place .
Than a bodyguard come and said sir Mr.Robert on the line .the man stop the riding and attend the phone and discussed about some businesses deal .
And then went to ready and than in most expensive car went toward his distention
The car stop in front of at a tall building where in bold word written AR brother's Group & Co . The man went to the top floor towards a big room where written Chairman of AR brothers & co.

After that he called a number and asked got the information.

Other side the person said Yes and the man asked details.

Other person : They were getting bankrupt but they were leaving the Nyc
yesterday and went to India and there they were get protection with business help as political party helped them and started their businesses there but they got some huge money but the money source is unknown we cannot get it .
But there they get big support . we have to stop them

The man : don't worry .Find the information of their indian supporters .now they have to face AR
most dangerous side. Where they will escape I will find them hell or Haven every person will be punished by me who
involved in that incident now time come to world see who AR is . Their countdown started because their bad time started now .

The unknown person: I will tell you tomorrow .And I have to give you a advice in free that if you change your dress than also you lookalike AR nothing change so be careful people can find out easily .

The man : I told you find information about them not about me ok so stop doing that .

The unknown person: It's my duty to find out about the person for whom The great AR became a mare middle clsss started roaming on street .
So in futures we get ready everything ready best of luck proposed quickly otherwise someone else take her .

AR : you say as if you have very experience about this matter in a mock
tone and cut the phone.

And than a lock is heard on the door .
Come in said AR
Then a girl at 20 come in with coffee and keep in front of him and said good morning sir .
Good morning and take a sip on coffee and his facial express change and look at his PA and said ms mehera how many time I have to told you that make the coffee properly can you do anything without mistake .I want every work perfect but you do everything opposite.
Now go and make it properly but I make it properly sir
Than a person enter the room without knocking and asked what happened bhai
Why are you shouting ?
ms mehara again do mistake what else .said AR .
saniya go and do your work said the person .
With that she went out and curse in her thought that I don't known who the unfortunate girl will marry this arrogant
boss of mine but I am sure she will take divorce the next day of her wedding for his everything perfect work and never mistake agenda .

In the cabin What happened Adi everything is ok you here in the morning?

Adi :yes bhai but are you sure our plan will work ?

AR : absolutely sure .Now first I will finished them in every way possible and also who is involved in that because AR brothers never forgave anyone and they have to face the worse side of us and I will finished them slowly so they will remember me in every moment of their breath and smile cruelty .

Adi : you are right bhai we teach them such lesson they remember that after their death also. We should made everything ready for our next action.

AR agree with him and Adi went from there .

After some times he phone someone and said are you free in afternoon can we meet he asked .other side person
agreed and he said ok meet 5 Pm at the same place .

At 5 pm at a coffee shop

In normal dress a AR enter dress enter into the shop and said hi .
Hi Armaaan how are you .said a girl

I am fine what about you asked he
Fine .what you want to say Armaan asked the girl

Can we go somewhere else Ahana. ask AR
Ok let's go said Ahana

And go from there and went towards a Beach and stop there .

Armaaan : Ahahana I know its very quickly but for me its not quick I know you considered me just your friend but for me you become more than a friend I started Fall for you at the first time when I saw you and now I am sure that I love you. will you marry me ?Ahahana

Ahahana keep quite and started at him

Armaan :I am sorry if I offended you but I cannot keep it myself so I tell you if you don't have any feeling for me thats ok
We will always be friend. Said that move from there to went away but stop hearing a word

Yes .said Ahahana

Huh said Armaan

Your answer it yes I also fall for I don't know when said Ahahana

Armaan happiness knew no bound
He hug Ahahana whose eyes floating tears Why are you crying asked he
In happiness I don't know how I become so lucky that you love me

Armaan: you are not but I am because you said yes to me and Ahahana I want to say something about me.

Than Ahahana's phone rang she attend the phone yes mamma I come in a15 minutes said that she cut the phone
and said Armaan mamama called me home in 15 minute I have to go I meet you later bye see you soon .

Armaan :call me after reaching home bye .

And two went away to their home .

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