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After some how Armaan got calm down and Ahahaha took him to their room Aditya and Aruhi also leave to their room .

Aahana give water to Armaan  , he somehow come in his real sence and asked in concert Aahana are you ok ? When you  you see that I am angey .
What happened if I hurt you two ?

Aahana : I trust you Armaan . You never hurt us .

Armaan : Aahana everytime don't think as emotional think as practical . In anger people can do anything that emotional think don't work .

Aahana in anger : if You know all that think then why you become Angry what happened to us if you hurt yourself then what happened to us . Now you are giving lecture to me

Armaan (mind) : Now she is having her mood suing .

Armaan : Aahana I am feeling to having  chocolate cake  you want to have it .

Listening chocolate cake Aahana's anger got vanished and said in excitedly I am also carving for it .

Armaan : ok I am going to kitchen to take it .

After some minutes he comes with cake  and started to feeding Aahana .

Seeing Armaan mood is some better she asked "what are you going to do now "

Armaan : My plan is never going to change Aahana . For being related to by parents nothing going to change .

Aahana : You are not going to tell them about your identity .

Armaan : No I am not planning about it now or ever . I got to know the motive behind my parents murder  Now their destruction is coming by me . I have nothing to do with Rathore .

Aahana : but ...

Armaan cut her off and said promise me Aahana you are not going to disclose this truth to anyone .

Aahana : I promise .As far as you don't want to disclose it I will not said anything to anyone .

Armaan : Thank you now you take rest and don't stress I fix everything quickly .

Aahana : I know

Next morning

As usual Armaan and Aditya go to office and started doing work like nothing happened .

But inside they are feeling like  vicano which anytime can be brust .

Today a board meeting will be happened so , Mr Rathore , Arhaan ,Ahaan and all pathner are come to off before meeting .

All are sit on the confarance room the two head chair are occupied by Mr Rathore and Armaan as the large share holder .

As the meeting started all started give presentation and Armaan , Aditya listening all these in blank face and Aruhi taking tension about their anger as Ranveer and daughter and granddaughter also present there .

After listening all the presentation Armaan speak : First tell from all these idea how we get profit .

Arhaan : What do you mean ? After this project we will get 45 percent profit.

Armaan : You made the presentations?

Arhaan : Of course no , it's Anjali who made the presentation .

Armaan : ok , so Ms Singh tell me as per your idea if the project got successful then we will get 65 percent profit then where the 20 percent profit gone .

All are stant listening this excerpt Adtiya and Aruhi .

Anjali look towards her grandfather and become nervous .

Mr Ranveer Arora : Mr Armaan  I think some mistake happened to you .

Aditya : Really Mr Arora , you think the person who is the chairman  the world no 1  bussiness AR empire doing mistake , ok then so please all the gentleman here please check the file and decide .

All the member check the file carefully and find out the fault .

Arhaan : What is this Anjali ? How can you this much in such as important project .

Armaan : Are you sure Mr .CM that it's a mistake not pre-planning .

Ahaan : What do you mean?

Aditiya : He mean Ms Singh doing it proposly .

Mr Rathore : Excuse me . What you want to say ?

Armaan angerly : I want to say Mr Rathore that I hate betrayal and backstabber . And Ms Anjali Singh try to faud in our pathership . Sorry to say Mr Rathore but I heard very great words about Rathore empire but here your pather granddaughter is doing fauding on her own company. This is not first time in our previous project also she done the same . It's may be ok with you all But not to my bussiness .

Anjali try to say something but a strong slap land on her .

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