chapter 23

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In AR hospital

Everyone scared as the new head enter because they come to their new boss in the morning and they got shocked that she also a doctor all the doctor called for meeting .

Some staffs from hospital who is close to Arora informed Divya that new boss come and she declared as management head and head of Sargon department

Divya got furious how can some one took her position as yesterday she is the major shareholder as she don't know all little share is bought by AR group

In meeting room Ahahana started meeting

Hello everyone  I don't need to introduce myself as new management department head and new doctor and then the room door bursts open and farming divya with her father stand there .

Ahahana calmly said I think you all forget your manner that when you get into somewhere you should asked permission

Divya : how Dare you to change the hospital name without my permission dare to bought the shares

Ahahana : I can dare manything mrs Divya Arora Singh  be careful you are taking with this hospital owner .

Divya :You don't know with whom you are making enemy . you will regret to take my position .

Ahahana :  Really .  Do whatever you want but remember I hate late comer next time if there any meeting held come in time and you you really don't want to know what can I do .

Divya :  Lets see and went away

On the otherside

A meeting held where client are impress with armaan project and win the deal and  Arhaan loss the project which is their dream project .

At last the meeting Ahaan :how can they it was all prepared but they chose him over us how can they forget our previous business relationship

Mr Rajput got furious as he want their company on top but its doesn't happened and he saw Armaan coming out with Aditya he went towards them
and said you win the deal but don't think you got the Rathores position mr AR . you may king in USA but here king is my son in law

Armaan : I always win Mr Rajput loss word is not in my life and as far as your son in law being king  he got it from his forefathers who now also walk according to his grandfather but I born to be rule  and I will.   I don't know why I waste my precious time with you .
Said that he went away

Mr . Rathore : Aditute of this boy don't he knew our position in this country

Mr Rajput : We have to do something quickly otherwise he be because out of limit .

Ahaan go furious and started to think how to teach him lesson and went to home to meet rajveer .

Ahaan : I am enough for him take him on his line .

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