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And Anjali get a strong slap . And it not other than from her own grandfather .

Mr Arora : How dare you do something like that to our company , you made my head down on shame today .

Armaan and Aditya seeing their drama silently and Aruhi role her eyes seeing this over dramatic sence .

Anjali don't know what to say as she doesn't expect her grandfather action .

Arhaan : I can not believe this You do all this Anjali. If you are not Raj grandpa's family I will made sure you rolein jail .

Armaan shouting : Enough is enough all your family drama you all can go to your home and do your drama I am not interested to  see it .

Mr Rathore : I am sorry , I don't she will do this shameful act .

Arhaan : Yes . Mr AR . I promise this time I myself with Ahaan will handle from our side .

Armaan : I never give second after getting betrayal , Mr Rathore . So I can not continue my pathnership with you all .

Mr Rathore : I can understand your point as I myself believe in it . But it will be huge loss for both of us .

Arhaan : please try to understand if you back up from this project then all the workers will also suffer .

In the conversation now time to jump Aruhi

Aruhi : Armaan bhai (brother in law ) I think you should reconsider about your decision . IN all the mushup there is no fault on Rathore empire and their worker . Then it will be injustice to punish them .

Aditiya mind: wow what a speech I should give you oscer for your acting my wife .

Armaan smark in mind after Aruhi's intercept .

Armaan : Ok , As seeing Rathore empire previous reputation  and my legal adviser's(Aruhi) advice I will continue to invest in this project but I have a condition .

All the member of the meeting room get silent after hearing him .

Mr Rathore : what condition ?

Armaan : I will invest on this project but the project will be only handle by Rathore empire without their any pathner .

All are shocked listening this .

Mr Arora : But AR ..

He is cutoff by Armaan .

Armaan shout : Don't inrocrupt me Mr Arora , This is not happening for the first time . I give you a chance but you loss it . I never forgave a cheater and you granddaughter dare to cheat me on bussiness . So there is no forgaveness . Now decession is yours Mr Rathore .

Mr Rathore clinchit his fist in anger and glaring at Mr Arora .

Mr Rathore : I am ok with this condition .

Armaan : ok then make a new contract paper , we will proceed then .

After that  Rathore  and Arora clan go from there angerly .

Aruhi : Wow What a acting we did !

Adi : Don't be happy wonded lion is dangerous .

Aruhi : seriously Adi  , you are comparing street dog with lion . If here is anybody is lion then that's my brother-in-law .

Adi : brother-in-law's  sycophant .

Aruhi : Whatever .

Armaan : First time Aruhi said correct and you become crowed day by day and hi-fi with Aruhi .

Adi shook his head seeing their childish act .

Adi : by making plan all night this two become mad .

Otherside Rathore mansion

Mr Rathore angerly placing the hall room all are standing there .

Mr Rathore :  For your granddaughter first time in my life I have to keep quiet in shame . I can't said anything to him .

Divya : Uncle Anjali did it by mistake .
For some small issue he did all this .

Arhaan : Don't support your daughter aunty , She didn't done it by mistake but intentionally . I am feeling same to said that our empire got pathner someone like her . Our all years reputation got vanished just because of her .

Mr Rathore : Also for her this stupidity Aahaha and Aruhi's married life will be distare we always keep our reputation good to our daughter's inlaws but here she made distare .

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