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At unknown place .

We should do something very quickly otherwise  we will be finished by Rathore. Said a man .

We thought AR will be against Rathore if ever your fraud come into light but our plan backfire us , Rajveer .

Rajveer : yes , now I and divaya want to made That the stupid  king Abinash
Rathore permanently heirless .

I was always ready it's was you who said time is not right . Said that man .

Rajveer : but now time come to do end the future Rathore . Our first attack will be for Arhaan Rathore's upcoming child .

I will do that work you just informed me about the time and palace , where you want it . Anyways our men always following Rathore brothers  without their knowledge . Their every move trace by us . Said that man .

Rajveer : I don't have tansion about finishing Rathore brothers but I have tansion  about finishing AR brother .

Are you gone nut? you want to killed AR brothers ? I have nothing to do with them I only want the position of politics which Rathore held from decade  ? It's dangerous to drag AR brothers in this matter . Said that man .

Rajveer : I don't know anything for that AR brothers My granddaughter get insulted infront of the public . Without making That Ahahaha and Aruhi Prithivi obroi widow I will not get clam .

What ,They are Obroi , How they come here ? Are not she is  the one who Abhimanyu Rathore promise to made his son bride . That's why you made her seen dead infront of Avinash Obroi so that he never forgave Abhimanyu . Said that man .

Rajveer : Yes Ahahaha Obroi daughter of Abantika Obroi .  But you know what her fate is written that to become widow . You know she always come between my success .  First Abhimanyu's son who was the legal heir of Rathore empire and if she got married to him then she became the queen of Rajasthan , how can I let that happened .  My Years dream broke because of Abhimanyu Rathore then when Anjali bron I again thought that made her marry with Arhaan as after disowned Abhimanyu he will be legal heir but my this plan also got flop when that stupid king decide to marry him with Rajput granddaughter . But now enough it's time to remove all my enemy  . First Ahahaha got widow before marriage now she will got properly  widow after her marriage with her sister also be get same fate.

If you want to do with AR then you have to be careful because if you miss then you will see hell in this earth only . But I will give full support to destroy Rathore but my name should never came on the light . Said that man .

Till today your name come then it will never come out . You are big hands to kill Abhimanyu and his family but nobody know your loyal men also don't know . You will kept destroyed them secretly but nobody ever know it . Said Rajveer .

You are right so our next terget is Shanaya Rathore said that man

Rajveer : Yes .

Otherside AT Rathore empire

Arhaan sitting on his CEO cabin and  doing work at that time a soft knocked was heard after getting permission from Arhaan the person enter into the cabin it is Ahaan with him Another person enter into the cabin .

Ahaan : Bhai(brother) This Mr Nyak  an ex army officer and now running one of the best security company .

Arhaan : Hello Mr Nyak . Nice to meet you .

Mr Natak : Hello , Sir , it's my pleasure to work for you .

Arhaan : I hope my brother said what you have to do ?

Mr Nayak : Yes , Sir . But as I said before to Ahaan sir that it's took time ?

Arhaan : I understand but one more thing now you are working as my personal investigation officer to know body should know that ?

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