Chapter - 36

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At AR mansion

Saniya : I have a news for you all or may I say very good news

Adi : what's that?

Saniya : Rathore want to meet us .

Armaan : interesting , if I am not wrong then they are trapping on my plan .

Adi : Yes , such a fool people . They are coming close to their enemy .

Armaan : They are not coming , we made them come to us  .

Saniya :  So what's next plan ?

Armaan : you will see keep patience . First fixed the meeting with them tomorrow  .

Saniya : ok .

Armaan : Now they will see whose road they were cross .

At Rathore mansion

Ahaan : grandpa they agree for meeting and give time from tomorrow

Mr . Rathore : ok . Be ready and inform Raajveer and Arhaan .

Ahaan : ok . I hope everything goes smoothly .

Said that he went from there .

Next day At AR mansion

Armaan : Adi , Saniya everything is ready .

Adi : Yes bhai . I am waiting for Aruhi to take the contract paper . Are you sure they will agree .

Armaan : They will and the time come to disclose the obroi sister truth .

Adi : But we are you sure they believe that .

Saniya : Don't worry bro , I will make it dramatic .

Adi : Yes now you will become your sister-in-law shadow .

Saniya : what ever ..

Aruhi : I am ready let's go .

Adi : you are also coming

Aruhi : of course , I can't miss the chance to see that two idiot face .

Adi : I can't believe this I married to a mad woman .

Aruhi :   If we should not have to attend the meeting then I don't know what I will do to you .

Armaan : If you two are done then let's go .

Ahahana : All the best you all .

Everyone : Thank you .

At AR empire .

After reaching  AR empire Mr Rathore, Raajveer and Ahaan enter the building receptionist took them to meeting room saniya inform AR brothers about Rathore's their arrival .
At meeting room .

Armaan : So Mr Rathore tell me what made you all again come here ?

Raajveer:  Maybe your work impress us much .

Armaan : I think that's why you try to seal our screat information . By the way how was your jail days ?

Mr Rathore : Listen I will come to the main point we want to do pathnership with you ?

Armaan : And why I will agree with your proposal .

Mr Rathore : I know we have some issues and from our side some mistake happened but in our enemy some third person will take the profit but if we two join our hands then it's will be huge profit  and most important we two are interested in same project  .

Armaan : I must say your proposal is not bad but first I want to do a project with you then I have thought about business pathner ship and I have some terms for that

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