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A royal place -Rajasthan
In a big Royal Manson two people are discussing some business issue then a servant informed them Mr Rajveer Arora come to meet them .Both of them went to the hall meet them .

Man- 1: good morning Raj .Its very good you come otherwise we come to meet you .

Rajveer :what happened?

Man-2 : we need business deal from Rajput .It will be very helpful for election.

Rajveer : so what's the problem Arhaan ?

Arhaan : They are very heard to crack . I and grandpa go to talk with them. We also want you come along with us .

Rajveer :Why not but I know  Abinash will made Rajputs agree .

Arhaan : you are right nobody can said no to grandpa .

Abinash :Well let's breakfast together .

Raj: By the way where is your brother and your grandma Arhaan .

Arhaan : Grandma go to some NGO work and Ahaan went some party wotk

Ahaan : you all are taking about me .

Raj: Yes my boy come sit with us .

Abinash : So all good Ahaan .

Ahaan :yes everything get solve . we should now only focus on election and make good bond with Rajput .

Abinash :tomorrow meeting we will Seattle everything.

Arhaan : I hope so .

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