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Ink's POV

Well,another day again in the doodlesphere,back to my so called 'job' of guarding and protecting the Aus.
...Uuughh this stupid voices in my head! They wont stop telling me what to do,they are also called the Creators or somethin like that

Welp I'm just sitting here,I don't really mind if I scatter the papers everywhere or something,just like the people scattering around that they don't really mind of getting rid of themeselve-
Ugh what's wrong with me!

Welp I'm gonna stand up for a while and gonna wander around.... Until I just sense something strange..but suddenly my stomach? Just hurts,I felt another au being destroyed, or still gonna destroy by him,UGH not again!,welp I'm not just gonna stand here so I prepared my broomie and made a portal to the floor and I hopped in to which Au Error is destroying...

Then it was....Underlust he's been destroying... REALLY??

Welp I don't really hate Underlust but I just made made it for some reason..

"The Soulless Being"(Ink X Error)Where stories live. Discover now