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Error's POV

I'm sorry....Okay?"

"Like what u said...everything is always gonna be okay..."

"N-nO t-tHiS c-CaNt bE hApPeNiNG!"

"YoUrE gOiNg tO bE oKaY InK,PlEaSe!"

"Yo-ou don't ne-ed to be sorry...I should have known this will gonna be happen..."

"UgH wilL u tWo sToP wItH tHe dRaMa" the other voice said which I couldn't recognize yet...

Soon I saw Ink being grabbed by someone I couldn't see cuz everything was so blurry
"Wake up...."

I suddenly opened my eyes and quickly stood up...
I saw Ink in my side still holding my arms and with a worried or sad look
I couldn't guess his expression right now as he keep looking at me...

"InK,wHaT hApPeNeD?" I asked as he looked down

"Yo-you were cryin when you're sleepin...
And I never seen u cry before...
I-Im worried,Glitchy...
D-did I gave u a horrible dream?" He asked still gazing at the floor and playin with his fingers

Wait...did I really cry?

I still can feel my face...that some tears are goin down..
Woah this is new...I really never cry but...
Why did I cry?

I-It was just a bad dream or nightmare anyway...
But why cry...

"InK,iTs oK,itS nOt yOuR fAuLt,wHaT tImE iS iT aNywAy?" I asked as he looked up at me and took his phone to see what time is it.

"Oh uh...,its 4:04 am
Btw let's have a visit to Nightmare's place but first Imma call Dream for a while,okie?" He said as he stood up and calling someone in his phone

4:04am huh...

Wait...thats weird...
Why I'm having a bad feeling about that freaking time...


No there's no fucking way!

Ink's POV

"The Soulless Being"(Ink X Error)Where stories live. Discover now