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Error's POV

I'm getting bored
What should I do

I glanced at Dream who was chatting with Cross while Nightmare is glaring at them..
He's weird
I glanced at Blue playing 'paper,scissor,rock' with Dust
Horror is eating cookies...
Killer is playing with his knife...
I look at my side to see Ink hugging my arms...

Oh wow I didn't notice it...
Welp atleast I'm not crashing
Or my haphepobia didn't bother me anymore
How lucky

I heard Ink muttered something

"InK?,dId u SaY sOmEtHiNg?" I asked looked at him waiting for his answer

He looked up at me and said
"I'm bored"

"*sigh* SaMe hErE InK" I simply said

"Error...can I ask you something? Cuz u know how I'm forgetful sometimes" Ink asked as he removed his arms from me and his gaze at me

"UhH sUrE,wHaT iS iT?" I asked

"How long...umm I mean....oh yeah
How long we've been 'friends'? Cuz I know what 'friends' is
We've been hanging out together like always..and you care for me even tho we've been enemies,...and...and-"
Ink said nervously as I suddenly cut him off

"YeS sQuId iTs ObViOuS nOw,I'vE bEcAmE fRiEnDs wItH yAh siNcE....
HmMm lEt mE tHiNk...

Oh,I gUeSs sInCe I'vE sAvEd yOu fRoM fAlLiNg ofF fRoM tHe cLifF" I stated,he looked away and think for a while
He then looked at me with a happy face

"Is that so?,okie Glitchy,thank you (>ω<)"
He exclaimed and he suddenly hugged me

His hugs are always been soft and comfortable so I hugged back until...

"Ehemm" we separated from the hug to see Nightmare infront of us sitting on his tentacle and crossed his arms

"O-oh h-hi Nightmare!
So what's up?" Ink asked with a shy voice

Nightmare just facepalmed and asked

"How long has been this happening to both of you?,you know,u two supposed to not care to each other befo-" Nightmare said I suddenly cut him off

"LoOk NiGhTmArE,
pEoPle cHaNgE,tHinGs gOeS wRoNg,bUt rEmEmbEr,liFe gOeS on." I simply stated
I'm not really sure of what I've said...

As I looked at Ink,his right eye was question mark

"Wow...I didn't get it
But nice one Error!" He exclaimed
I facepalmed

Nightmare's POV

Waw,I just couldn't believe of what he just said...
That's it move on from the topic

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