Chapt~17~:Forbidden Page

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Error's POV

Well,I wasn't really going to my room though

I teleported away to find Ink in this boring castle
As I was roaming around in the corridors or the walls until I heard something behind the door,so I went closer to listen to it
As I leaned closer to the door,I heard someone is sobbing behind and I think its muttering something cuz I couldn't really hear it,if who's behind this door or whose room is this,whatever...
I'm gonna kick the door to know!

Wait no,that's a bad idea
I need to show some respect,or whoever is behind this door
So what I need to do is...just to knock

*I knocked the door*
Welp all I need to do is to wait...

Seconds later...

*I knocked it again*
"W-who's t-there?..."

Wait...I know that voice...
"CaN I cOmE iN?" I asked


So I slowly opened the door to reveal Ink crying on the bed while still holding that mysterious book.
I sat down to him and came closer to him and comforted him

"InK,iTs Ok...u CaN tElL mE wHaTs wRoNg,wE cAn sTilL fIx tHiS" i said calmly

"Y-eah I hope we can fix this" he said and stopped from crying

Nightmare's POV

After Error teleported away...



I just let out a sigh and glanced at everyone who was now walking away to their rooms or whatever where do they like to go

I'm now alone in this living room,sitting while relaxing on the couch...and finally peace and quite

I sense a very familiar aura coming from behind me...

"*scoffs* U know its always not working for me" I said never looked back of who was behind me

"Aawww come on!,how come I cannot scare u...even just for once!" He then flew in front of me

"It's been a while...

Banana Bill" I said then laughed

"Hey! Do I really look like a banana??

You're brother is the one who's banana! Not me,you hentai octopus." He said while crossing his arms and floating in the air

"Wtf did u just called me!!??" I said,I really am pissed right now

I hate those stupid 'nicknames' that insults me

Or being a judgemental too...

"U heard me" he said

"The Soulless Being"(Ink X Error)Where stories live. Discover now