Chapt~20~:Ships list

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Dream's POV

We finally came back from the park to the castle

As everyone went to the living room to rest

We all exhausted too from having too much fun together in the park

Also too bad,Error and Ink didn't come along,also Killer and my brother

I saw my brother went in too with his boyfriend

"Oh you're back" he said as they sat down


I saw Fresh too walking towards us but he has a gloomy look?
I dunno I couldn't really describe it,also his glasses reads 'SIN-NERS'
Huh,I wonder why,or what happend to him

"Oh!,you're back broskis!" He exclaimed as his glasses now reads 'YE-AH'

"Hehe yeah,btw Fresh,are u okay? And why your glasses reads 'SIN-NERS' earlier?" I asked confused

"Yeah why?" My brother also asked while cuddling to Killer


"Uummm,its unradical to know mah brotato chips!"
He exclaimed

"Uh huh"

I went to Cross and sat down beside him,and cuddles
He just hide his face,I think he's blushing, hehe

Dust turned on the TV and we watched for a while

-Timeskip-(lol am crazeh)

As the movie finished
I stood up and went to the corner,to make sure no one will notice of what I am doing

I then took the paper or my 'ships list' to check something

Finally,I didn't expect my other ships are sailing

'Cream'(lol myself with Cross)✅
'Bloodlust'✅ cuz I saw them on the park together,kissing

'Errorink' hmmm I'm still not sure if they are together

'Killermare'✅ hehe this ship is cool

I was about to fold my paper until someone snatched it from infront of me

I saw Error! Narrowing his eyes at me then to the paper

Oh no no no

"Hey! Give it back!" I yelled as I was trying to snatch it too from his hand but he lift his hand high so I couldn't reach it

"HeH,wHy? I wAnNa SeE wHaT iT iS"

"You could have asked!" I yelled still reaching the paper

"YoU wOuLd nOt lEt mE eVeN iF I aSk"

Dang,he knows me

He started reading all of them

"Aaarrgh SCREW YOU!"

"Ok ok,what the funk is going on here?
Also Fresh stop CENSORING My Words!" Nightmare exclaimed

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