Chapt~27~:New Beginning

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The destroyed places has been fixed like brand new
Corrupt's victims that has died has been back to life
Their memories being fuzzy and blurry but yet,it all wen back to normal
The other humans and monsters are now mad because of what happened and willing to fight back,but thankfully Ink's friends are there for them to explain all what happened but they did not see Error and Ink yet

Error's POV

I was now waking up as my head hurts like Im having a headache
I slowly stood up and look around at my surroundings
Im at the Anti-Void,my home,Im also laying at my beanbag
"Finally you're awake" the voice said as I look around to see Core holding a child...

That was Ink's child...our child...

Core then gave back the baby to me,as I was now holding my child

Its a boy...

"So?,what will u name to him,he looks a lot like u" Core stated

Hmm let me think...after he was born...mine and Ink's surrounding are slowly the color of the doodlesphere is fading away...
And he also look alot like me...

"I' him....Gradient" I said

"Okay then...btw I have to go to take care of something,see yah,also have a nice visit to your friends,they are taking care of the Aus that Corrupt cost" Core said and suddenly dissapeard

Right...Imma go visit to the gang...

Ink...wherever u are...I already missed u

I then stood up and made a portal to the castle and stepped in

I then knocked the front door as it was slowly opened by Dust

"Oh hey its been a that a baby?from who?" Dust asked

"I'lL eXpLaIn,lEtS gO iNsIdE fIrSt.AlSo...iM gLaD yOuRe aLiVe." I said as we walked in

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