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Error's POV

Uggghh its been minutes I've been waiting for hi- WAIT WHY IVE BEEN HAVE STRONG FEELING LIKE I REALLY LIKE TO SEE HIM...

Until I sense and hear a splash on the floor,finally he's here,I've been just swinging up here while using my gaster blasters everywhere to destroy

"HeY biTch wHat tOok u sO lO-oOng!?" as I said...

"Whaaaat???" He said
Ugh didn't he heard me???
But nevermind,I see him came to me and trying to attack with his giant brush,UGH that thing is always disgusting, and why it is a big BRUSH for him?
Welp maybe it is really useful for him to fight but,isn't it Heavy??

Ugh this is stupid why I am thinking this nonsense questions instead of fighting back with him.
But suddenly...

"When are u gonna stop destroying???" He ask while standing in a long bone

Well....wait.....why did he ask that?

"WhY dId U aSk?,diDn't u knOw wE hAvE difFerEnt jObS tO Do?,...AlsO wHen aRe U gOnnA sTop crEaTiNg?" I said....yeh I know I attacked him with triple questions ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

As his eyes just widened and still staring at me,....jeezzz that creeps me

There was a long silence for a while,I don't really understand what was wrong with him like I felt this before in him,ok ok now I'm just curious if there is really something up with him and-

"Why do u care?" He said

WAIT HOLD ON A SEC,....did he just ask a stupid question
Ok ok there is really something up with him
I don't really understand now, doesn't answer my questions.

"WhAtS wRoNg wIth YoU?" I ask

"It doesn't answer my question" he said


Ink's POV

Yeh I know I'm attacking him with my questions for a while....u know why?
Because I don't wanna let him know the real reasons,besides its my own problems not his,so its none of his business for a while

But u know,I'm tired standing in this bone UGH
Welp I jumped and suddenly hit him with my brush but it doesn't really hit him cuz he dodged it quickly like he's always ready and fast as fuck

Wait did I just curse....
Oh no maybe I'm loosing some 'emotions' but the last time I drink my vials was days ago I guess...well I don't really know when was that, that make sense

But suddenly some blue strings came to me and suddenly tied me up,it portalled me somewhere, then what I saw is...

I'm in his ANTI-VOID

Oh no no no no no,I cant be here unless...oh look I saw his couch,its really comfor-
Wait no! I need to get out in here!,....somethings missing...


"Hey ERROR!!!!!" I shouted
Wait where was he?

Error's POV

Welp I tied Ink for a while in my anti-void,I also seperated him with his brush hahahahahahaha
Yeah his brush is just in me,or I hid it somewhere else

So I teleported to Nightmare's castle for a while and minding some of their businesses there

Well now I'm he-
Suddenly a knife almost hit my head!, it hit the wall and side of my face

"WhAt ThE fUck!??" I shouted...

Welp a skeleton in front of me need some explanations of trying to kill me...

"Oh hey Error....heh heh heh.....didn't see yah there,hehehehe....heh
Sorry I just accidentally throw my knife in yah,I really didn't mean to I SWEAR!,me and Dust are just arguing with something,so sorry if I almost hit yah,hehe heh...heh"
Killer said while sweating,and he looks really scared while Dust is just looking at him and just silent

"WeLl dOnT u FuCkiNG dO It aGaiN or ElSe" I said and he just nodded and talking with Dust again

I went away and going to the couch to sit down and watch TV,welp I sat down aaaaaaand Nightmare came to me...

"So,how was it?" he ask...

"WhAt dO u MeAn?" I ask

"U know,fighting with him?"

"aRe U wAtcHinG tHe wHolE fIgHt??"

"What?,no not that"

what is he even talking about,well he just sat down next to me and crossed his arms

"U know,you've been fighting with him for centuries aren't ya?,u made a truce but it really didn't last long,...when are ya two just gonna stop or something,...I mean yeah I know about the balance in this Universe but...
Wait hold on,did he know about the balance?"
He ask...oh yeah I didn't really think of it....what if Ink the Creator of himself didn't know about the balance yet..

"I sTilL don'T kNoW but GoNnA fiGuRe iT oUt" I said
Dang for the sake of the universe I hope he knows it

"Well,goodluck with that" he said,yeah I know I think Nightmare is a friend for me....cuz u know he's always been there for me and also helps me for something,...he's not that really bad,yeah I know I hate having friends but I would like to now....
I'm just gonna figure out what will happen next

Me and Octopus just watching tv for a while.

"The Soulless Being"(Ink X Error)Where stories live. Discover now