Chapt~26~:Corruption to Creation

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Bill's POV

Me and 404 are now facing E!Gaster while Nightmare was now tired of fighting him so we let him rest for a while

"Why dOnt U fAcE uS iNsTeaD! AlSo...hOw dAre u pUttInG a sPelL oN mE to Use mE agaInsT thE mUltiVerSe!" 404 yelled

"The spell broke...I see" he said we then attacked him with our gaster blasters,we missed cuz he kept dodging them,E!Gaster then teleported far from us

I then thought of a plan of how to stop him
"Umm do we kill him or...wait,how did u two lost in a very long time in a first place?" I asked

404 looked at me and said
"UhH...we HavE beEn sEaled iN a BooK...thAtS wHy we cAnT gEt oUt..." He stated

"Sealing? are we gonna do that,cuz this gaster can't die...of course,all gasters cant die,oh how about let's seal him on the void forever! Like the original gaster have been stucked in a void" I stated as he think about it

"BuT hE cAn sTilL gEt oUt iF hE's in A voId...oH yeAh he aLwaYs kNow hOw to EscApe iN evEry vOiD he's iN" he said

"Oh lets seal him back to a book instead then we will burn the book so that he can't escape and he's gonna be in a same place FOREVER!" I exclaimed

"Do yOu kNow hOw tO sEaL?" He asked

"Of course I do! All we need now is to distract him and I'll handle the sealing" I said as he nodded

We then teleported to E!Gaster
"So u decided to fight with me again...fascinating
You're just wasting your energy of fighting me" he said I then nodded to 404 for the signal

He then went to E!Gaster and tackled him,404 then pinned him so that he can't escape easily, he also used his strings to tied him down

I quickly summoned a random book then float it in the air so that I can handle with my spells

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