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Nightmare's POV

"Please,let's sit down for a while" I told them

Well my gang was sat down already and also Ink sat down in the middle of the couch,while Dream and Blue are still standing there
Ugh whats wrong with them...

Oh yeah I forgot,they don't really trust us yet,yeah of course as their 'bad guys'

I let out a chuckle and said "Heh,don't worry I wont bite,lets just sit down and have a pretty conversation"

Then they walked to us and sat down on the other couch
Dream is with Blue as always while Blue is with Dust on his side....
Hmmm interesting, I think the two are something..

While me sat with Ink,left side of him,and Error in the right side of him(lol sandwich Ink UwU)

Ink's POV

I don't really know what's going on right now but the last thing I remember is...
I was in the anti-void, Oh Yes
I supposed to be mad at Error right now
But Nightmare is in my left side while Error is in my right side....
Ok ok why did I just sat in the middle,WHY I AM THE MIDDLE,AND WHY THEY SAT WITH ME

There was still a long silence
Uugh I'm bored

"Ehemm" I said
They looked at me with a confused face


I was gonna say something until...

"Hmm,Ink,where were u? We've been looking everywhere for u,where have u been?" Dream said

Dang what am I gonna tell,I don't really care anymore,and....

Are they really care for me?
Or just using me as a tool,duh
What am I thinking again
They supposed to not care for me because its been a week that I didn't took my job so serious like,I didn't fix the other Aus properly
Oh yes,I also forgot about the Underlust,I haven't fix it yet,but did Error finished destroying it?

Nah I don't really care anymore

But something snapped out of my thoughts, as I see a hand waving infront of my face as I look to the left
Nightmare is waving his hand infront of me


"Hey u ok?,you've been spaced out for a while" Nightmare said

Oh no I also forgot what did Dream asked to me

Damn this stupid memory of mine!I'm so forgetful

"I...uh...what was your question again Dream?" I ask as I look to Dream

They looked at me with a shocked face

"Ok,we have to go now Ink,look what time is it,its already 11:45pm,we are supposed to be sleeping right now,and I think you're really stress right now as I look at your face,look I'm not judging ok? U need to re-" Dream said but I suddenly interrupted him

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