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Ink's POV

Hah! This dumbass felt so embarrassed infront of EVERYONE!

Especially infront of his enemies!

This would also be fun if I took the whole video and sent it to the whole unive-

I yelled because of how annoying the voices are

And yet,they didn't respond anymore
Well then,good

I'm now staring at the endless sky of stars
Of Outertale
This Au was my most favorite
I'm still looking at the stars until I hear someone walking to me...or someone's behind me

I hesitantly look behind and to look at...


Shit...did he heard what I've yelled about?


'Don't u dare...' I thought

No worries pal,I'm the good one

'Right...' I answered back

I gaze at Error who was now sitting besides me with a worried look on his face
I look back at the sky,stargazing

"ArE u OkAy?" He asked with a concern tone of his voice

I'm still looking at the sky,ignoring his question

Dang what am I doing...

"I-It'S oKaY,iF yOu dOnT wAnT tO tAlK aBoUt iT" he hesitantly said

Error's POV


What I have done...
He still continues looking at the sky,we didn't even make eye contact yet..

I looked away from him then I summon my strings to play with them for a while...
Until I heard some soft sobs coming from besides me

I looked back at Ink who was now crying
'Oh no no no,what did I do???' I thought

"I-nK! I-I'm sOrrY oKaY? I dIdNt rEaLlY mEaN tO! I...I-" I said trying to comfort him and he cut me off

"No no,*hic* I really know *hic* u didn't really mean it,I should be the one *hic* who's sorry,about earlier" he said as he still keep crying

But it was none of our fault be sorry

Well forget about this
I need to stop Ink from crying for now

I gently gave him a comfortable hug
As my head is on his shoulder

"ShH InK,eVeRytHinGs gOnnA bE oKaY,wE wIlL fOrGeT aBoUt wHaT hApPeNeD...sToP cRyInG nOw ok?" I said as I gently rub his back to comfort him

"The Soulless Being"(Ink X Error)Where stories live. Discover now