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Bill's POV

Welp...I'm now facing my long lost crush ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Nevermind cuz he suddenly wrapped me with his strings,so he tied me up

"nOw,gEt oUt oF mY wAy oR I'lL kIlL u piEcE bY piEcE" he said while walking away

"Awwww how cute" I said with a mocking voice

"Wtf dId u juSt saY??" He said while he stopped walking and turned around to face me

"Long time no see btw...
I-I missed ya..." I trailed off
His eyes just narrowing at me

"WeLl...I doNt gIvE a sHit abOut iT" he said

"Please...I really missed you,also this isn't yo-" I said as he cut me off

"Of CouRse thIs iS mE!,Im bEiNg mySelf aS aLwaYs!" He exclaimed

" of what u said are just f-fake? H-how about the promise we made...why dont u just go back like the OLD TIMES!" I yelled at him,and I couldn't resist anymore so I cried...I don't care if I'm crying infront of him

But suddenly he let go of me with his strings so I fell on the ground with a thud

"LoOk...yoUvE alWayS beeN boThErinG me-" He said as I cut him off

I quicky stood up and face him
"Oh,so that's why u hate me huh!,look while I was being with u in the past or after the first time we met,I'm really willing to help u! And-" I said pissed off but he cut my sentence

"WilliNg tO hElp mE hUh!?,anD whY Are u nOt heLpinG mE nOw,bUt inSteaD u aRe wiTh tHeM!" He exclaimed

"This isn't what I wanted!,what WE wanted!,so is this the way to bring your brother back!? To corrupt the-" I said as he cut me off cuz he was suddenly choking me using his one hand

"Don't U dArE taLk aBouT iT...u dOnT kNoW eVerYthinG whAt I'Ve beEn thro-" he said while glaring at me and gripping my neck so I couldn't breath,but I cut his sentence off

"Liar...*cough* what do u think *cough* why I'm not fighting back with you *cough*" I choked,he was still gripping my neck but thankfully it didn't crack yet

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