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Error's POV

Its been.....3 days...
He's still not awake
But I really hope he'll wake up soon

I am now with my kids in Ink's room for a while

I looked at my kids who was sitting on the chairs,while me always with Ink's side
Gradient was using his laptop while Paperjam doodling something

I was about to speak something but suddenly I heard a whimper coming from beside me

I look at Ink who was still sleeping but...I think he's now waking up,finally

Ink's POV

All I see was dark
I dont really know whats happening but I see a bright light coming towards me

But I did'nt realize I was waking up
I didn't know how long was I asleep

"I.....k? D... U .....he....mE?" I heard a voice talking to me but I couldn't really hear or understand it properly



The voice said

Suddenly I woke up and got up quickly
As I look around to see Error with a worried look, Kids.... Wait yes! Thats my kids I recognize them!
They just sitting on the chairs doing something then looked at me

"InKy! FinAllY yOu'Re aWaKe!,I wAs woRrIeD sIcK" Error said then he hugged me tightly

"YEEY,MOM'S AWAKE!" I heard both of my kids said then ran towards me and hugged me too

Wow I like group hugs but not too tight

"I-I cant breathe...." I said with a weak voice
They then unhugged me and they are really happy to see me

"Well....I miss you guys" I simply said and patting the heads of my kids
I then kissed Error on the cheek
"HeH...wE mIsSeD u ToO" Error said and he then kissed me on the mouth,I kissed back
I really missed this moment
"Eeeew" Pj said as he looked away while Gray just facepalmed

We then pulled away and I giggled
"So...aRe u oK nOw?" Error asked

"Hmmm yeah I guess,also my little injuries are gone,so its really good and I'm now doing great!" I exclaimed

"Ok...ImMa tElL ScI thAt yOu'Re aWaKe,u aNd thE kIds shOuLd gEt gOiNg nOw" Error said as he stood up and left the room

I then glanced at the kids
"Lets go to Nightmare's Castle mom!" Gray exclaimed

"Hehe,yeah okie" I said then stood up and summoned my broomie and splash some paint on the floor

"Woow! Mom,u really are amazing,u have big brush!" Pj exclaimed
I just giggled,we then hopped in

We are now in Nightmare's Castle on the front door
I knocked and waited,while my kids are giggling to something

I suddenly sense a presence from behind,I then turned around to see-

"The Soulless Being"(Ink X Error)Where stories live. Discover now