Chapt~13~:Forgive and Forget

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Dream's POV

FINALLY, my wish came true very well!
No more fighting,no more destroying,no more killing,
And other bad deeds!

We,the Star Sanses became friends with the Moon Sanses or the 'Bad Sanses'

This is really exhilarating!

I look at everyone...
Hmmm they seems busy

Ink chattin with Error
Huh,they really got along so far

Blue was still chattin with Dust
I ship them( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh I forgot I'm gonna make a list about who I'm shippin!

I took a paper and a pen from the table and starting writing something
I glanced at everyone first to make sure nobody will see of what am I writing
So I look at my paper again and started writing

Hmmm who else...

I heard that Horror used to have crush with Lust!
I started writing again

I wonder if my brother have a love interest with someone...

I hope he'll find soon
As I looked at my list and observing it...

I realize...


O-or maybe I'm a gay too...
Cuz I've been daydreaming about Cross...
Gosh he's always handsome-
Wait No Dream Don't U Dare Think Of It Again! as I thought

Maybe we are all here bisexuals..
I wonder if how I'll ask my brother that who is his love interest or...
Is he even inlove with someone?

"What are u even doin?" Nightmare suddenly asked me,he is sitting beside me

Uh oh,I hope he didn't notice what I was writing.

I quickly looked at him and hid my list on my back

"Me?,I'm doin nothing,hehe" I simply said

"Uh huh..." He's still gazing at me suspiciously...

"What's that you're hiding?" He asked suspiciously again

Oh no...he noticed it...
I quickly hid the list inside my clothes
And my gaze is still at him

"I-its nothing! Really!" I explained as I was shaking my head 'no'

"Ummm,brother?" I asked as I dragged him first to the private room,so noone can hear us

"What do u want?,why did u just dragged me here away from everyone? Are ya tryin to murder me?" He asked suspiciously and glaring at me


"B-brother!,I'm not that kind of a person!" I punched him playfully in his shoulder

"Well to answer your first question... Cuz...I want to talk to you with something" I said and looked down to the floor,avoiding eye contact with him

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