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Nightmare's POV

Well I couldn't really sense Error's presence right now in this castle,I think he already left
So I'm here now just standing inside the big library in this castle
So many books,when I always have some free time,I always come here to read books of course
I might find some mystery in here
Oh right I forgot,I came here to find that book,'hmmm lets see' as I thought

As I read some of the signs in every corner and in every wall in this library,I've read each of them
'Shhhh' uuhh really?
'Social Knowledge'
'Fairy Tales' hmm interesting as always
'Sci-Fi'........until I've read the sign in the left side and in the last one
'History' Aha!,I think it must be there

As I went to that area,still so many books so I'm not gonna give up finding it...
I've read every book's titles by its covers
'Alternate Versions of Frisks'
'Alternate Versions of Charas'
1 hours later

I've reach the corner of the bookshelf until I think I finally found what I've been looking for

'All about Alternate Universe/Version of Sanses'

There I might find some informations in there

I was also thinking but before I found this castle,I was wondering if who made this Castle...and I just barely see the authors in these books
I'm also wondering if who wrote these history books and how the heck did they know and just made it a book..
Maybe Ink himself?
Nah thats impossible

Hmm I'll figure it out later

As now I teleported to the office and sat down on the chair and I started opening it
And starting to read the Table of Contents
But before that,I read every part of this book or where the author of this book will be located

But I couldn't really find who was the author of this book,they don't really write their name I wonder why

So now I started to read the Table Of Contents...

Page 1-10 History of Sans 'nah' I thought
Page 11-20 History of Underswap Sans
Page 21-30 History of Underfell Sans

As I keep reading it
Dang what did the author mean by 'History',for me more like 'Story' not 'History'

Nah nevermind

I've read it all until I've read something interesting...

'This book are not really complete but,they are just the normal alternate universes or version of Sans'


'If someone really reading this,well,how interesting, find the second book of this so u will find and read the Rare versions of Sans'

But...'Ugh I hate finding some missing books...unless if its really missing' as I thought
Until I turned the next page

'It's still in the history area in this library,so if u like to read it then find it,I will give u another clue...
Read the title of the book backwards,well goodluck'

Huh? Backwards?
Well then,as I stood up and went to the history area and returned this book
As I keep finding it again until I've read something weird, I took the book then I've read the title
'snaidrauG ehT'(dont mind it UwU)

What is that supposed to mean??

Oh I I read it backwards
'The Guardians'

Aha! Found ya!
As I brought it with me and
I teleported back to my office
As sat down to the chair
And I now opened the book
And read the Table of Contents first
'DreamTale page1-10' oh look there it is,my home
'ReaperTale page11-20' huh,how is that even rare or the Sans in there a guardian of what?
'AfterTale page21-30' huh I never heard this Au before but seems familiar

Hmmm I guess I really need to read all the pages to get some important informations except the page 1-10 I already know it (-ω- )

So....I started to read from page 11
'ReaperTale' huh,seems interesting

I really wonder who wrote this book

As now I started reading it until I hear a knock from the front door,uugh!

"Who's there?" I asked

"JuSt mE" said with a glitch voice

Aaahh Error

"Oh you're back I see" I said

"I gOt bOreD iN mY aNtI-VoId,cAn I cOmE iN?" He said

Hmmm let me think....

"Well then,come in and don't make some other noise" I said
As he came in,closed the door behind,and walked to me

"So wHaT yA rEaDiNg?" He asked..

Uhhh should I tell him or something...

"DaNg,tHaT bOoK hAs A wEirD tiTlE" he said

I let out a chuckle and said
"Wanna know aren't yah?this book is just a mystery or something,but the title of the book says 'The Guardians'" I said
As he look so confused

"ThE GaUrdIaNs oF wHaT eXaCtLy?" He ask

Hmmm how am I gonna explain...


I leaned the book to him and let him read the Table Of Contents.

Until his eyes just widened in shock while reading it

"WhO tHe fUcK iS tHe aUtHoR oF tHiS bOoK?" He asked

I then faced the book

"Who knows?,the authors is not even writing its name in every book they write,its really weird don't ya think?" I said
As he just hummed

Error's POV

I really can't believe it...
I really wanna know who the fuck wrote that book
It really almost had the informations...about us...

'AfterTale' damnit, it's even in I read the Table Of Contents...

Well someone told me that,
Anti-Void is not really my home in the first place...
My first home was AfterTale...I was the AfterTale Sans back then...
Before I became like this..
I don't really trust that someone but it might be true..

That someone was

I wonder if what is it doin right now,oh maybe Core can help us!
Because Core once said,"I see everything"
Well that make sense

As I look to Nightmare,he was already reading
Huh,he really likes to read book but nah
I won't interrupt him for a while so I better go now

"UmM,I nEeD tO gO nOw,aNd jUsT tElL mE iF u FiNd sOmeThInG iNtErEsTinG" I said as he nodded and I started to walk out and closed the door behind carefully

Hmmmm I wonder...

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