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(This part was Ink went away from them and before went to go to suicide in Outertale)

Error's POV

Well.....that was really unexpected...

Me and the others are really shocked from all of his words,that he spat out to infront of us

Now I see Blue is hugging Dream while crying,Dust is comforting him,and Dream just glaring at us with tears in his eyes he blaming us or somethin?

"Blue,we need to go home now and have some rest for a while" Dream said

"B-BUT HO-OW ABOUT OUR FR-RIEND INK?" Blue said while holding up his tears

A Dream just suddenly made a portal to their home also called their base

"I know okay?,maybe he's just in his room so let us not worry too much" Dream said

Oh he really thinks and Ink went back to their base?pathetic

I don't really think so

As I saw Nightmare stood up and teleported somewhere, huh weird

As Dream and Blue went to the portal to their home now

Well I really hope Ink is in their home and just doing fine

"Uuhh what now?" Killer asked

I just let out a sigh and stood up and made a portal to my favorite Au,.....Outertale

And I went in,so I left them behind,and now I closed the portal

Dang,this place is really peaceful and relaxing

I went forward and heading to my favorite place to stargazing but suddenly I saw...

INK? Trying to fall off the cliff??

Wait,is he committing suicide or something??
Yeah I know he can't die...wait...
Yeah he don't have a soul but....

He can be still die or dust in other ways!

Oh no I'm not gonna let this happen
As I saw Ink suddenly jumped off!


I ran to him,I quickly summoned my strings from my tear marks and quickly use it to catch him...

Thankfully,he didn't really fall...I catched him in time

I carefully pulled him up while my strings tied him up so he wont escape or fall, now he is facing me,and giving me a death glare?

"Put me down u fucking glitch bitch!" He yelled at me
While struggling to escape from my strings

Thats rude

Welp,I pulled him to me so I was now hugging him,I don't really mind my fucking phobia so it won't disturb me while hugging Ink

As I see his face,he's just shocked that I hugged him
Awww he's really cute-
Wait no no no not that thought again
'Snap out of it error' as I thought

"Let me go!" Ink said with a weak voice and still struggling to get out from my hug

Dang,doesn't he like my hug?
Oh well

"The Soulless Being"(Ink X Error)Where stories live. Discover now