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Ink's POV

As I look around...
My soroundings are really dark
I couldn't really see anything because of the blackness

As I keep and keep walking
I suddenly heard a voice coming from nowhere
I couldn't tell what was that until heard another one

But that voice was familiar for me...I guess I heard that voice before..

"hEh,hOw pAtheTic aRe u?" The voice said

Wait....its a little glitchy voice but I couldn't really tell who was that,are they even talking to me??

And where the fuck am I

"wAke uP u pAtheTic aSsholE!,don'T fOrGet aboUt oUr littLe secRet..." The voice said it again..

Secret?,what secret?

Until I finally recognize that voice...
Its really different from Error's but...

It can't be!

I hope they won't come back!

Suddenly I see a little light coming towards me....
But it became bigger and brighter until.....

I finally opened my eyes...

Wait,was that all just a dream?but...I think that voice was real...

As I look around,I realize I am now in my room
What was that all about...
I'm really trying my best to remember what happend last time...
Like how I ended up laying in my bed

My memory is really blurry
Dang I really am forgetful

Now as I sat up and trying to remember what has happend last time...
As I was thinking, I looked to my scarf if there is something important that I need to remember or some other stuffs
As I started reading...
'Fix Underlust' oh yeah I forgot about that but nah

As I read through my scarf
I read something again


Aha! Thats it!
I remember I was supposed to be in Outertale to commit suicide!...

"The Soulless Being"(Ink X Error)Where stories live. Discover now