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Error's POV

I was really having a strange feeling about that random anomaly I've met

He was talking to Gradient
"GrAy,dO u kNoW wHo wAs tHaT?" i asked concerned

"Sorry dad,but no" he simply said

"WeLl...lEtS fInD yOuR bRotHer inStEaD" I said as we made a portal and teleporting to every places to where should Pj go...

Minutes later

It was only the last one or last Au where should Pj went

I made a portal to Outertale and we stepped in and closed the portal from behind

As infront of us was a random little monsters that was knelt down on the ground as they are looking down to simething

"What are u guys even doing? And thats my brother's WHERE IS HE??" Gray said as the kids quickly turned around to face us
They are really shaking in fear to see us

"I-I uuh....he fell" the monster kid simply said...


"b-but dont worry,there was also another one who fell to save him..." The other monster kid said

Wait...another one...who?

I was about to ask them until they quickly ran away from us in fear

"Lets go down dad" Gray said

I nodded as we teleported down to see Pj crying over to the unconcious....wait thats him from earlier!

What is he even doing to my kids?

We went closer to finally see his face

I was really shocked of what I saw....

"InK!?" I exclaimed as I gently carried him in a bridal style
" u know him?" Gray asked

"I'lL eXplAin lAtEr oK?" I said as they nodded as I made a portal to Sci's lab as we went in and closed the portal from behind
I then knocked to Sci's door
As he quickly opened it,he was really shock to see who was in my arms

"No tImE tO eXplAiN oK?" I said as he nodded and he let us in


Me and my kids waiting and just sitting on the chair from the outside of the room

I then saw Sci came out from the room and I quickly stood up and went to him

"So? HoWs hE?" I asked

"Ok...I have good news and bad news..."

"GoOd neWs fIrSt"

"His memories are back after seeing his kids...and the bad news is...
He's in coma,I dunno when is he gonna wake up but maybe soon enough" he simply stated as I just thanked him and walked away to do something else

I then signaled the kids to come with me and I opened the door to see Ink sleeping on the bed peacefully

We slowly came in and the kids sat down on the chairs on the sides while me sat down on the side of Ink's bed and holding his hand

"The Soulless Being"(Ink X Error)Where stories live. Discover now