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Dang....I'm sooooo boooored
I think today is a boooring daaay....
Me and my bestfriends just sitting on a sofa
I'm also done with my art today..
What should I do next...

I looked around to see Blue to my left side using phone or texting someone? I wonder who is he texting...
I looked to my right side to see Dream...smiling and...spaced out?
Is he thinking of something funny or someone...
Okay okay whats goin on with everybody right now

As I was about to stand up..
I suddenly smelled something...

"Hey guys...something's burning..." I said

As Blue looked up me and then to the kitchen

"OH STARS,I FORGOT THE TACOS!!!" He yelled and stood up,heading to the kitchen

As I see some smoke coming out from the kitchen..

Dang Blue,this is the 30th times u burned and sometimes almost burned the tacos and put the kitchen on fire... -_-

As I glance at Dream for a while...
He's still glancing at the ceiling, and smiling like he looks very happy...

Jeezzz that creeps me when he's spaced out...
I wonder what's in his mind
I wish I could read minds hahaha,that would be fun
But nah

I'm glad the bad guys aren't really attacking us anymore...especially the Aus..
I wonder why and what they've doin,I now stood up and glance at the kitchen to see Blue coming outside from the kitchen and heading towards us with the almost burned tacos...jeeezzz

"MWEHEHE,TACOS ARE READY!GET SOME INK AND DREAM!" Blue yelled with excitement as he put down the tacos in the table as I looked at Dream who was now done daydreaming and I just smirked at him,he's really funny

Dream looked at the tacos then to me
"What?" He asked like he think I didn't know anything

"Don't mind me,let's just eat Blue's tacos" I said and he just nodded,and we took one and ate it

Well it taste a little good...cuz its not really too much burned

Hey why the hell are u still alive!?

Yeah you are supposed to be dead! Also u don't deserve to have friends!

Dang,...the voices are back again.....

Guys,please don't do that to him,why are u even mad at him

Oh so there's just only one supporting Ink so much,Hah!
What a crybaby!and fool!

I couldn't really hold them much longer...I feel like I'm gonna give up again...

But I remember something from Error's words that night...that I don't like to forget...


"Error!I swear I can't hold it anymore,they are really annoying!"

"ShOrtIe,evErY bEgInNinG oR sTaRt iS rEaLlY hArD tO hAnDle-"

"The Soulless Being"(Ink X Error)Where stories live. Discover now