Chapt~31~:Ink's preggy again (・∀・)

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Sin warning,just skip the part if u dont want to read it.Am also bad at writing this UwU

Error's POV

I teleported us to a private place that me and Ink can make out

So we are now in our room of Nightmare's castle,which is soundproof now

I locked the door using my blue magic then pinned Ink on the bed as he was now panting and a blushing mess and I took my glasses from him and putted it on the desk

I now kissed Ink passionately and he suddenly kissed back as he put his arms around my neck

I'm not also expecting this that he suddenly accept it,unlike the last time...

I kissed him deeper as I licked his teeth for the entrance,he then opened his mouth as he welcomed my tounges to explore his mouth
He was now moaning in our kiss
And then seconds later,we pulled out and leaving a trail of saliva from our mouth as we are now gasping for air
I was about to sit up to remove our clothes but suddenly he pulled my scarf as he kissed me again deeper
And my tounges was inside  of his mouth again exploring every corner of his mouth

We then pulled away and gasping for air
"InK,whaT-" he then cutted me off
"E-Error,I-I think I'm s-sick,c-cuz I-I'm having a f-feeling t-that I w-want u......i-in me" he stuttered,I dont really understand at first tho,I put my hand on his forehead,but he dont have a fever
But I realize of why he was acting like this and what he was saying....
He's in heat

"HeH...dOnT woRrY InKy,lEt mE hElp u wItH tHaT" I said as I removed my clothes and also his and throw it on the side

I was really shock that he have a beautiful soul now

I summoned my ecto-member as he already summoned a clit

I then slowly slamming into him as he was tearing up
I wiped his tears and I waited for him to adjust

1min later
He was now ready,I then started thrusting into him and he put his legs around my waist,and I kissed him passionately,he then kissed back
He was moaning from our kiss while I'm still thrusting into him
We then pulled away from the kiss
"AH! Aaaahhhh!~,E-Erroorr~ Mmmhh~ deeper aaaahhh~" He moaned as I did what he said,I'm getting deeper and faster until I hit his g-spot
He moaned loadly,he is in pain yet pleasure
"Gaaah!~E-Error MmmpHhh I-I think nyaaa~ I-m a-almost nnngh~ AH!-" he couldn't really finish his sentence tho,cuz I'm not expecting that he already cummed,as I was still thrusting into him,Im also having a feeling that I'm almost there
"Gah~ InKy,yOu'Re s-So tIgHt,I'm aLmOsT tHerE-" I said but I'm too late,I cummed into him
I then pulled out and laid down beside him and pulled our blanket to cover us, as we are now panting and exhausted
I then kissed Ink on the cheek and said "heH..loVe u KiKi~" I said teasingly
He then smiled at said "*pant* I love u too,Ruru..." He then drifted off to sleep,I then cuddled into him and before I'll drift to sleep too,I put on my clothes and same to Ink using my magic to be quick.

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