Chapt~32~:Meet Spilled Ink

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Error's POV

I was now outside of Sci's laboratory room

Its also been 1 week since Ink's pregnancy

He was now giving birth and Sci was also struggling a little as ut alphys helped him

I saw Sci came out from the room,I quickly went to him and asked
"So?" I asked worriedly
"U can come in now to see them,also congrats Error" Sci told me,and I just thanked him and I went inside to the room

I'm now on Ink's side,I also saw him holding a baby with blanket of course
"Its a boy Error ^_^" Ink simply said and happy
"Here,hold him" he said as he let me handle the baby

He's so cute,he also have tearmarks like me but black and only two on each side of his face from eyes
"So...wHaT wE gOnNa nAmE hIm?" I asked
He smiled as he thought for a while,also me
"WelL hE lOoK mOrE a LoT lIkE u,InKy" I said
"But he got your tearmarks and...also some glitches" Ink stated


"Oh I know!,how about Spilled Ink instead!" He exclaimed

"SpiLlEd InK?" I repeated
"Yup,cool right!?,cuz he look alot like me and he got your glitches and tearmarks but his tearmarks only have 2 lines on each and its colored black, some ink spilled from his eyes?" Ink awkwardly said

Also nice name

"WeLl...SpIlLeD InK tHeN" I said as I hugged them both

"I lOvE u InK" I said
"Love u both" he said happily

-1 year later-(I'm lazy)[also Gradient is 8,Pj is 7 in a half,and Spilled is 5]

Gradient's POV

"MOOOM!DAAAAD!,my pens are empty again!!!" I yelled as I went to my parents who was sitting on the beanbag,we are in the anti-void btw

"MaYbE u OvEr-UsEd tHeM" my dad said as he was knitting something using his strings

"But daaaad,I didn't used them for a while,I also never used the others!" I exclaimed and pout

"Well Gray,ask your brothers,oh where are they anyway" mom said and doodling something

Oh ofcourse...there is only one can always make my pens empty...

"SPIIIILLLEEED!!!!" I yelled as Spilled suddenly appeard infront of me smiling and Pj also appeared beside him

"Yeeeeeessss??" Spilled asked acting so innocent

"U know already,dumbass" I said and I dont really care

"Hey brother,dont say that" Pj said

"Ooh...I used them for my magic tricks,neeerd" Spilled simply said he let out his two tounges


I was now very pissed at this damn sibling

I was about to talk but he suddenly make a mess on the floor as he hopped in like mom splash some ink and hop in to go somewhere

"Haha no worries bro,he's still little kid" Pj simply said


No ones pov

Error's family are sometimes in trouble,trouble with the kids being always a childish
Especially Spilled being stubborn sometimes and acting like he didn't do anything

Spilled one day took his mom's broomie and his dad's glasses and hid it anywhere

Hours later,Ink and Error panicked
They went to search their stuff anywhere
But then they realize its up on their kids now

"Alright,which one of u took my broomie and Error's glasses?" Ink asked as he glared on their kids

The kids went silent
Suddenly,Spilled pointed a finger at his two brothers

"OkAy,Pj,aNd GrAy,gIvE tHeM bAcK oR eLsE" Error said as he prepared his strings

"HEY!,WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Pj and Gray said

They then both glared at Spilled
"Umm...not me" Spilled said awkwardly

Error suddenly wrapped Spilled with his strings while Ink whispered to Error something as Error nodded

"Ok...gUys,tImE tO aTtAcK SpiLlEd!" Error exclaimed
Spilled was now sweating,he was tied upside down with the strings

Ink,Error,Pj,and Gray attacked Spilled with the unstoppable tickles

"HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHA AAAH HAHA! STO- AHHAHAHA HAHAH HEHE AHAHAHA" Spilled was ticklish and he was now dying from laughter

Minutes later

They gave up and Spilled brought the things back

They live happily ever after

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