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Error's POV

I'm now in the Omega Timeline to recruit some anomalies, Nightmare is with me

We were walking fast around to find someone to get help with...
Until we saw the 90's nightmare,the parasite

We went to him and he was shocked to see us that we're here

"Yo! broskis! Wassup!" He exclaimed while his glasses reads 'SU-P!'

"UhH,wE dOnT HaVe tiMe wItH yOuR sTuPid cHitChAt sTyLe,wE'rE hErE cUz wE neEd yOuR hElp tO rEcRuiT aNd rEsCuE InK!" I said as he just smiled
That creeps me

"Ooh...need mah help to rescue your boyfriend~
Thats fresh brah!" Fresh just teased me

"Look,we need to be hurry before its too late,help us to find and to recruit ok?"
Nightmare said

"Okeh broseph,just follow me!" He exclaimed and walked away as we followed him

We saw some two figures standing not too far away
Until we went closer to see Death and Geno,arguing to each other

"Eyyyy Geno bruh!,we haaave some radical friends here!" Fresh said as we are now infront of them

"We'Re nOt fRieNds" I stated as I glared at Fresh

"Well well,what do we have here...
An Octopus and a walking window vista" Death said as he was trying his best not too laugh, Geno just facepalmed while Fresh didn't get it

"WHAT DID U SAY!!???" Me and Nightmare both said

"Heh,chill guys,so how can we help u?" Geno asked

Wow I think he knows that we really need their help

"We need both of you to join us...
We're also recruiting the others..." Nightmare said while sitting on his tentacle

"Why? What happend?,I thought u guys are the strongest" Geno stated

"Its a long story,we need your help too cuz we're facing the legends" Nightmare said

"UuHh...lEgeNdS? ReAlLy??" I said

"Yeah,cuz we couldn't defeat them easily,now enough talk,Ink is in trouble, also the Multiverse,so we need to get going" Nightmare said
I glance at Geno and Death
Whispering to each other
Then looked to us

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