Chapt~21~:The Return of 'Them'

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Ink's POV

I finally woke up cuz I feel dizzy then sat up and looked around,I'm in Error's room

I then remember of what happend earlier...
I blushed too hard,I then stood up and went to the bathroom

I really feel sick right now,even tho I don't have a sick

I went to the toilet then puked,after that,I flushed it of course

Why am I feeling like this...
I now then realize something...

I went outside then to the big mirror,I lift my shirt up and see a glowing little soul on the middle of the chest.. no no,this can't be
How would they react to this...
Maybe if I tell them,...they will be terrified, or mad,or-
Wait no Ink...don't be so overreacting

I now walked outside and went downstairs to see everyone in the living room sitting and chatting to something

I then walk closer and asked
"What are u guys doing"
They then looked at me,still in a shock face
Huh,what are they even talking about
Error then showed me an opened-book and asked if I know how to read it

Oh its Wing Dings
I then slowly read it and finally done reading it...
Until I realize....that was the book...that been sealed long time ago...
No no no,not now!
How dare they!?
Welp maybe its my fault too cuz I just accidentally read it

A Bright flash appeared from the book,then we are now outside the castle

I'm now crying and horrified of what's gonna happen next

I looked at everyone who was now confused and suddenly a voice appeared

"Well well fascinating"

'He' was walking towards us but not too close

"*scoffs* Heh,nEvEr eXpEctIng iT"

I then looked at the dark tree to see 'Him',his back leaned on the tree while crossing his arms and glaring at us,then to me

"FinNaLlY,....tHe tiMe haS cOmE"

Noooo....I'm not ready yet....

Error's POV

When they appeared, I flabbergasted.... Of what am I seeing...right infront of us now...

"WaIt...dAd??,anD.....404?....." I was now horrified and having a feeling that this is the end

But I won't just give up,we won't give up

"Heh,sUrpRiseD tO sEe uS,arEnt yA? My stUdEnt?" He let out a chuckle and went closer to my dad...Error!Gaster

"LeAvE uS aLoNe!" I yelled at them

They just laughed a little

"Oh...I see...u are not glad to see us huh?
But don't worry,we're just here to accomplish our dream
Its been years tho..." He said

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