Chap~23~:Creation to Corruption

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Error's POV

Its been....3 days...
Still no signs of Ink...
He can't be just dead,no Error stop thinking that

I looked at everyone for a while,working with something...
And practicing with their magics or powers

I also saw Nightmare came to me and sat beside me

"How was also your searchin" he asked

"I've sEaRchEd mOsT oF tHe Au'S anD mUltIvErSe...I coUlDn'T fInD hIm...I hOpE BiLl cOuLd fInD hIm" I said with a weak voice

"Well...if only I could sense their presence,but they hid their selves" Nightmare stated as I suddenly stood up and made a portal to my favorite place,but before I step in,I looked back to the others then to Nightmare

"I dOnT nEeD sOmE cOmPaNy foR a WhiLe,...sO dOnT fOllOw mE" I said as I stepped in and closed the portal from behind,and then I sat down to stargaze and thinking about Ink...
Aslo of what he said about the stars...

I teared up...because I really really miss him...what if there was something happend to him...or I'll never see him again..

No no no

I was still crying while I sense some presence coming from beside me but not too close to me

"Ugh I tOlD u NoT tO fOllOw mE-" until I turned to see the grayscale kid
It always has black or empty always creeps me out

"U also need to make some distraction then it's your chance to face him,don't fight back,use your power of love,cuz u really love him right?" Core said

I looked at Core in surprised
"B-BuT... In tHe bOoK sAyS nO onE cAn sToP-" Core interrupted me

"Be determined, and always believe in yourselves" Core said

I then ignored Core for a while and looked at the stars infront of me

Ugh when is Core gonna go away

"Also...he's holding a child,your child" Core said

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