Chapt~4~:Where's He-

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Nightmare's POV

As Error came back we sat on a couch before chatting and going to the topic

But before that,I sat next to Error and starting healing him,cuz I've seen to much blood in his back and in his right arm,and how lucky he is still strong to hold it

"Uhhh,tHaNks?..." He said

I just continued healing him
Welp I really like to start the conversation right now

"So,u care about him don't ya?" I ask

He just give me a blank stare
Ugh goddamnit

"Admit it,u have a feelings for him." I said with a murderous voice.

Well I don't really care about them or...I mean I care about Error but I'm worried about what will gonna happend next

"UgH wIlL u jUsT sHut tHe fUcK uP" he said in an annoyed voice

I just glared at him until

"Btw,CRoSs,INk's sAsH of pAiNt vIaLs,is iT in YoUrs iN tHe whOle tImE,Or JuSt In thIs dAy or soMeThin??" He ask

"Oh uhhh....I took it in his room in their base without them noticing me or sensing my aura as boss told me so,earlier in time before u two got here" Cross said

"I sEe....
ThEn wHy dId u fOrCe Ink tO dRiNk tHeM,I mEaN dId u rEalLy kNoW wHat ArE tHoSe foR HiM?? CuZ hE jUsT dRaNk tHe pAints,iTs dIsgUstInG." He said

Wait hold on,now I'm curious, didn't he really know what are those???

Welp atleast not all of us really know it before but fine I guess its time to tell him

"U don't really know them?" Cross asked

"Hey!he's not just the only one,even me I don't know what are those for him,and he just drink the paints,who does that?" Killer ask

Uuuhh really?
Well then

"Those are his emotions" as I said

Error's eyes just widened

"Whaaat??but I thought we don't need to drink those gross paints to feel such an emotions" Killer said

"Those aren't an ordinary paints,Killer,obviously. Also yeh we don't need them,but INK need them to feel such an emotions."

"U mEaN eAcH cOlOr oF tHe pAiNtS cOntAiNs DiFfErenT eMotIonS?"

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