Chapt~3~:Inking Mistake

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Ink's POV

Its been....

5 hours

6? Hours


15 hours

I can't believe it....he just left me here....all ALONE!
How dare he!,....where the fuck was he....

I now feel very fucking uncomfortable here
I forgot that I left my vials in the Star Sans' base....damnit

Why did he just left me here???
What was with him???

I have now full of questions in my head,now I dont really know what to I am mad? Sad? Or supposed to be angry with him...but

The 'emotions' from the vials worn off

Holy shit what now,I cant even feel anything now
Well...he's gonna regret this.


Error's POV

Well after watchin tv,I talked/chatted with the stupid gang for a while,

Also I think I'm missing or forgetting something that really important to know...

"Hey Error,do u really make dolls?" Dust asked


"HoW dId u KnOw and wHeRe did u FucKinG geT tHat nEws???" I asked

Damn this is really fucking embarrassing now for infront of them

"So u really make dolls?" Nigtmare asked

Damn this bullshit

"sO wHaT iF I aM,hApPy nOw??" Dang I really don't want to lie infront of them but nah,I hope they don't really mind

"Hmmm,Interesting" Nightmare said

What's interesting in there??
Well I'm about to lay on the couch but suddenly...

"Hey Error,where is Ink?" Cross asked

There was a silence until...

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT,THANK U FOR REMINDING ME CROSS,I NEED TO GO NOW!" I shouted and making a portal quickly but suddenly..

"Did u fucking left him alone in your anti-void again?,welp goodluck with that" Nightmare said

"No tImE tO eXplAiN OK??" I now went to the portal and closed it

Finally,... But then,there's something's off

Nightmare's POV

Tch tch tch...welp I don't really want it to happen again

"Hey boss what was that all about" Killer asked

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