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Okay before we start,maybe this chapter will be cringe or something,I'll also put warning in this chapter for the younger readers that no need or don't have to read


Nightmare's POV

I'm in the flower garden now with Killer
I can't believe that me and Killer are together now
I really love him romantically tho
We are now picking some flowers and making them flower crowns for me and to Killer of course
He also have pets,the bunnies
He really love them too cuz they are so cute and fluffy

We're enjoying our time together until...

"Ey yow,how was the deal?"

I turned around to see Bill floating on the air

"*scoffs* How Was The Deal?"

"Hey I asked first!" He exclaimed

I just glared at him
"'s all done what u said,just tell me if they are really they really did
How about you?" He asked

Wow...I couldn't believe they were actually together

"Ey Bill! Long time no see!" I looked behind to see Killer standing up and leaned forward to me

"Heh yeah loooong time" Bill said and rolling his eyes

"Welp,I think the deal is over,cuz me and Killer are together now,and u did your job well too" I said

"Wait really?,wow,congrats!"
Bill exclaimed

"Tnx" me and Killer both said

"What was the deal u two made or talking about?" Killer asked with a confuse look

"Just simple,Nightmare told me I'll spy on Ink and Error if they are actually dating or together,in return,I told Nightmare to finally confess his love for you

Oh hey Night!,Ink and Error having a really good and fun time!
They are sharing some smooches together!" Bill exclaimed

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