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??????? POV

"Aaahh I see..,how fascinating,very very interesting...." I said to myself as watching everything and observing of what they've doing,but I couldn't really hear what they saying but I know what they're doing even tho I cant really see them..
Its really a long story tho

"hEy,wHaT aRe u EvEn dOinG iN tHeRe aNd I heArd u SaId sOmetHinG,wHat iS iT?" He asked
While walking towards me

"Oh nothing really,but someone is really has an interest to read our works" I said

"Oh,u mEaN oUr bOoKs tHaT wE wrOtE iN a vErY lOnG tImE aGo?" He asked

"Indeed,it is really fascinating" I said as he let out a chuckle

"WeLl wEll WeLl,hOw iNtErEstIng,leTs jUsT waIt oF wHaT gOnNa haPpEnD neXt,bUt iT iS rEalLy nOt tHe tIme yEt tO kNoW tHe tRutH" he said as he let out a sigh "I gUesS"

"So it's been centuries too of waiting but its really good to be patient for a while..." I said as he nodded

"BtW,I aM gLaD tHaT u KnOw hOw tO spEaK nOt uSiNg tHe hAndS uNliKe tHe oTheRs,cuz I dOnt rEallY knOw hOw to sPeak WiNg DinGs" He said as I just chuckled

"Well I'm glad too that your voice is not really glitching too much unlike him" I said as we started a looong conversation to each other that not really important but I don't really mind that

Well I just hope the time will come soon


(Woooopss who was the two mystery persons??)
Lets find out soon!


I'm really bad at writing stories, am I?

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