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Ink's POV

Shit shit shit shit!

I forgot about the cuts in my arms...

What should I do,I will not let him know.....
Is it really obvious in my arms?!
Ok Ink...think think think


"Look Error,it's just from our fights.." I lied...

I really hate lying but I have to.

"InK..." He said
With calming voice

"Yes Error?" I asked,as if I don't know what he saying

"TeLliNg liEs?" He asked

"No Error" I said

"I pRoMiSe,itS rEaLly oBvIoUs,wE dOnT rEaLlY fIgHt aNymOrE,bUt wHy iS thErE sTiLl a nEw OnE?lIkE,nEw cUtS,aS I oBsErVeD iT" he explained

Fuck I don't wanna lie anymore...

Welp thats it,as I took a deep breath and....

"Yes I did it,I do cut my self
Also why do u care??" I ask with my voice being weak

I'm still staring at him and his was just shocked as I explained it
But...there's a little yellow tint in his he blushing or something?

"W-wElL uUh...i-ItS no-oNe
oF yOuR bUsInEsS" He said with a too much glitching voice,but I still understand what he says...

"But it isn't your business too of what I'm doing" I exclaimed, as I chuckled

And he just scoffed and looked away from me as he was now heading to my bed and sat down

"YoUr rOoM iS rEaLlY mEsSy,lIkE u DoNt kNoW wHaT 'clean' iS" he said as he let out a chuckle

I huffed and walked to him...
I pulled his arm so he bump in me,and drag him out quickly from my room
I don't really mind his phobia so I just dragged him out,so we are now outside the room and I looked back at him,I detached my hand in him and looked at him
Wait he didn't really glitch and hesitated for touching him...
He just looked at me with a shocked face

"HeY wHaT wAs tHaT fOr?"
He asked with a confuse look

"I-I wa-anted to ask u something.." I said as I stuttered at the first twi words voice

"Go oN" he said

"We-ell I think you'll be mad.." I said as I looked away from him and my hands on my back

"No I wIlL nOt,uNlEsS iF iTs a tHrEaT" he explained
I sighed and looked at him

"Well its not really a threat actually...

I just.... Wanted to...." I paused for a while and looked down on my feet as I rubbing the floor with my foot
I'm really nervous right now,I couldn't think of anything

"WaNtEd tO aCtuAllY wHaT??,mAkE iT qUiCk sQuId,I dOnT hAvE aLl dAy" he said with a boring look in his face

"The Soulless Being"(Ink X Error)Where stories live. Discover now