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Error's POV

"HEy! LeAvE hIm alOnE alReAdy!,whO EvEn arE yOu?"

"Error! U can't stop us now!
Just leave! And savw the others!"


"Please! Just leave!
Everythings gonna be okay..."

And with that something's grabbed my wrist and suddenly stabbed me in the soul...

And with that...I woke up

"AaAaAhhHhhH!" I yelled I was breathing fast,as if that fucking dream was real...

I looked at beside me to where Ink was sleeping

Well...he's waking up now maybe because I yelled

"Error...*yawn* what time is it...?" He asked still sleepy and rubbing his eye sockets

I glance at the window,so its already sunrise and then I glance at the clock to it was now 06:00 am in the morning
Waw too early

"HeH,gOoDmOrnIng InK,iTs 6am iN tHe MorNiNg." I said then he finally stood up and stretching his body and his arms

I almost got hit by his stretching arm but he quickly noticed

"Oh..sorry Error,that was close haha
How about u? Dont u stretch?" He asked

"No...iT wIlL bReAk mY bOnEs...aLsO,hOw aRe u sO fLeXibLe?" I asked

" Glitchy scaaared~
Also I'm not that flexible actually... Or maybe..." I stated

"Uh dO wE dO nOw?" I asked

"I'm going downstairs and make breakfast,okie?" He said and I just nodded
He stood up and went outside and closed the door
While me still sitting here...

Hmmm how should I confess my love to Ink...
Damnit,I'm not really used to love or to be love...or something...
But nah,I still can practice tho

I then teleported downstairs then to the kitchen to where Ink was gonna cook and there he is
I walked to him and hugged his waist,he let out a yelp and quickly turned around his head to see me

"O-oh,its just you! Hehe"
He then looked back to his cooking

Hmmmm it really smells delicious, I didn't know Ink was good at cooking

"WAtchA cOoKin?" I asked while snuggling on his neck
I'm still hugging him tho by behind

"Ummmmm...Pancakes?hehehe heh" he said nervously

"Is sOmEthIngS wRoNg?"I asked hesitantly
He then looked at me with his face full of rainbow tint
I was shock in surprise
His blush are always beautiful like a bunch of scattered skittles on his face hahaha

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