Chapter 2

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"Felicia... "Peter stared at the blonde woman slowly approaching him, a sparkle in her eye as she got closer.

"That is my name darling I am sure after everything we have been through you wouldn't forget it "She stopped in front of him and smirked as she saw him blush slightly but he quickly hid his face.

"So, uh what are you doing here? Visiting anyone important?" Peter asked casually trying to quickly change the subject.

"I guess you could say that, you know me I do like my nightly walks, but if you really must know I came here to pay my own respects to your aunt, when me and you were dating for that short time, she was always so nice to me. "Felicia looked away from peter and towards the grave and set the flowers that Peter didn't even notice her carrying down in front of May's grave.

"Thank you. That really means a lot." Peter said softly as he stood next to her and both stared at the grave for a minute or two.

"I saw you swinging around on the news earlier, I must say you looked really good, as always of course." Felicia winked at him and got that same mischievous grin on her face.

"Ha you will never change Felicia. What are you doing after this?"

"I am going back home, after hammerhead blew up my penthouse, I had to find a spot to lay low. It's not much but its home for now "

Peter nodded his head and spoke again. "Do you want me to walk you home?"

"Come on Spider, you know I can walk home on my own, you don't have to worry about me" She smiled softly at him.

"It's not that Felicia I feel like we haven't had a proper talk since all the business with hammerhead finished, thanks for saving me by the way, I never got the chance to say thanks"

"Don't mention it, I do prefer my men being alive and not in pieces "She smirked again at his obvious blush. "But if you want to talk then you may walk me home, just make sure you tell that redhead of yours so she doesn't get mad "

"Her name is Mary Jane and she knows me and you are no longer interested in each other so she has nothing to worry about "

"Shame, we were really good together, I especially remember the night you ripped my suit right off -"

Peter quickly interrupted before she could go any further "Well its getting late, so I think we should start walking "Felicia laughed gently and started to walk with him

"So how is Mary Jane doing? I'm being serious so don't look at me like that "Felicia giggled at the raised eyebrow that Peter was giving her.

"Well if you must know she is doing great and we haven't been happier, she does have to leave for Symkaria tomorrow, so that sucks, how have you been? You seeing anyone? "

"Nah I'm not seeing anyone right now, I guess all the good men are taken, but I am doing good, just being laying low since the police are looking for me, I'm surprised the good ole, Spider-Man hasn't turned me in yet " She laughed when she saw a grin go across his lips.

"I still might so you better behave "Peter said as he glanced at her, both still walking down the street.

"But Spider, I thought you like it when I am naughty... "

"I used to but not anymore, I feel like I'm getting too old for that stuff "

"Sweetie you are only a couple months older than me, so watch what you say "

"Sorry, anyway I am glad you are keeping your nose clean, it's all I ever wanted for you, Felicia "

She smiled and took his arm in her own arms and clung to it as they walked.

"Well I will try my best for you Spider, no promises but I will try "

Peter smiled at her and soon they reached her building and he walked her inside.

"Well thank you for walking me home, I appreciated the company "She smiled at Peter as they stood outside her door.

"Yeah, uh not problem at all, have a good night Felicia and I will see you around "

"I am sure you will, Spider, be safe out there "She winked at him before walking into her apartment and closing the door.

"That went better than I thought "Peter whispered to himself and left the apartment building and went to the alley beside it to change into his suit so he could swing home.

The next morning Peter was woke up by a blaring alarm clock on his phone that he quickly turned off and groaned as he got up from his bed and went to get ready for the day. Once he had his shower and brushed his teeth, he made some toast before he was out of the door, and on his way to meet MJ at the airport to see her off.

"Hey you made it just time, thought I wasn't going to get a kiss goodbye "MJ said as Peter stopped in front of her with that goofy grin she loved so much.

"Well Ms. Watson, I wouldn't miss that for the world, would I?"

They both leaned in and shared a deep kiss, both knowing it would be a while before they would get to do it again. Eventually both leaned back and were slightly dazed but both had huge smiles on their faces.

"What did you get up to last night when we last talked?" MJ asked softly.

"I stopped a couple crimes and went to the cemetery to visit my Aunt May and Uncle Ben, get this Felicia showed up as well and well we got to talking because I felt like it was long overdue, since everything with Hammerhead is over. So, we just talked when I walked her home and then I went home afterwards " Peter finished and looked rather nervous at MJ's reaction.

MJ had an amused smile on her face as she kissed Peter's cheek softly.

"Don't worry Tiger, I trust you like you trust me." She kissed him softly before the announcer in the airport let all the passengers know that their flight was to begin boarding.

"Well that's me, I will hopefully not be gone long Pete, I will miss you so much. "

"I will miss you too MJ, I will see you soon okay?"

"You will, I love you tiger"

"I love you too, MJ "

They both shared one last kiss before Peter helped carry MJ's back as far as he was allowed to go and saw her off at the gate, both having sad smiles on their faces as they waved goodbye for now.

"Be careful MJ." Peter whispered before he walked back towards the main airport area.

Peter was looking for the exit when he stopped and watched a news report about Martin Li.

"It is my understanding that Martin Li has been moved from the Raft to Rykers due to not possessing any of his powers that were used to terrorize New York 6 months ago. He will stay in Rykers and will serve his life sentence for those awful crimes. In other news, the F.E.A.S.T. center which has been looking for a new owner, which they have now found. That man is Harry Osborn, the son of the former mayor of New York Norman Osborn who resigned over public outrage 5 months ago. "

Peter stopped watching and shook his head softly, a shocked look on his face.

"Harry is back in New York but I thought he was sick? I should go see him right away and offer my help with F.E.A.S.T. "

There is chapter 2 for everyone! I really hoped you enjoyed this one. I have introduced a lot of characters in this chapter and I will say I have huge plans for Felicia and Harry as well. I will see you all in chapter 3.

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