Chapter 16

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"So what do we do next?"

Yuri asked with a sneer on her face, she was still furious that Felicia caught her off guard and managed to escape. This would only make her eventual death worse. Norman put his feet on his desk and just put his hands behind his head in a relaxed fashion which irritated Yuri but she didn't let it show.

"What do you mean what is next? I should be cutting you loose because you have struggled to kill the cat on countless occasions." Norman said with no hint of malice, just a calm demeanor about him.

"I am your best hope you asshole!" Yuri yelled in frustration causing some of the guards nearby to point their guns at her in alarm. Yuri just sneered at all of them before turning back to Norman, who raised his hand, indicating to lower the weapons pointed at Yuri.

"That may be true Miss Watanabe but how can I know you will succeed next time? " Norman was now leaning forward on his desk as he watched the former police captain.

"I will deliver the Cat's head on a platter and will do my part with getting Spider-Man in position. When do we move?" Yuri kept her expression blank.

" We move soon. Here is what we are going to do, we are going to go silent for a little while, to try and get the Spider and the Cat off of our tail for a bit. In the meantime, I want you to do more research on Felicia Hardy, I already know enough about Peter Parker. I want to know where she sleeps and I want to where she eats, got it?"

Yuri nodded her head but had a question she wanted to know the answer to. " Why is Parker involved in this? I thought all he did was take pictures of the Spider. It seems like he is dating Hardy when she isn't the black cat. Seems she isn't the loyal type since she is screwing the Spider behind the guys back too. "

Norman just got a smirk on his face. "I have known Peter Parker for years, he is my son's best friend. According to my son, he used to be this really skinny kid who would try to protect the other kids from bullies but ended up getting bullied himself. Then from out of nowhere, he bulked up and became a machine. I think there is more to him and I am going to figure it out, just to wait. He is the key to this. "

"Okay, what about the reporter what do we do about her?" Yuri asked

"We have a couple of guys follow her, she will be a part of the final plan as well but she will be my bait. The Spider won't want to let his little friend die at my hands but she will along with him. "

"I will get right on the Hardy research. " Yuri walked away as Norman pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Son, I have a favor to ask. Can you go to Oscorp and get me Peter Parker's job interview video? I think it is time the boy really helped changed the world for the better"

Peter sat on the couch in Felicia's apartment as he received a text from MJ.

"Hey Pete, I have some info for you. It is about Norman Osborn's whereabouts. "

" Really? where is he?"

"I can't say over text, you never know who is watching, can you and Felicia meet me later once I am off from work?"

"We will be there "

Peter put his phone down as Felicia came walking sleepily into the living room, clearly just waking up.

" What are you doing here so early?" Felicia fell down beside him and rested her face in his neck, causing Peter to laugh.

" Not a morning person still?" Peter said with a grin, as Felicia looked up at him, her hair all messed up from sleeping.

" I will never be a morning person. How the hell are you so energetic this early in the morning?" She placed her face in his neck again and closed her eyes hoping to catch some more sleep on her boyfriend.

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