Chapter 24

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Peter was pacing a hole in the floor, driving Felicia crazy in the process. They had received word from MJ that tonight they are going to go take down Norman and Yuri. They had a plan where they will use an element of surprise to their advantage.

"Peter if you keep pacing you are going to end up putting a hole on my floor. I'd rather that didn't happen, please. " Felicia sighed as she stood up and wrapped her arms around him, stopping his pacing in the process.

"Everything will be okay tonight love, We are going to sort out business and make the city a whole lot safer than it was, to begin with," Felicia softly ran her hand down his cheek, still feeling his tense body against hers.

"I know but I am just afraid. We have no idea how many people we will be fighting tonight, I won't be able to keep an eye on you guys as much I want to. I keep having these nightmares that I will be leaving the battle without either you or MJ, sometimes it's both." Peter looked down at his feet and took a deep breath. He looked up towards her a couple of seconds later. "I won't be able to live with myself if I lost either of you tonight. "

Felicia looked directly into his brown eyes, seeing his inner turmoil in them."Hey, everything will be okay, you worry about yourself as well love, I can't lose you tonight either, you mean too much to me." Felicia kissed his lips softly, trying to cheer him up a bit. She knew she had succeeded when he gave her a small smile in return.

"I don't deserve you," Peter said softly as he laid his forehead against his girlfriends.

"Don't be silly Peter, of course, you deserve me. You are a wonderful person and you deserve the best. " Felicia smiled at him when she saw his trademark blush creep onto his cheeks. "You are cute, but we best get ready now love. "

Peter nodded and gave her one last kiss before he walked towards the room where he kept his suits. He tended to stay with her a lot of the time and had suits spare just in case. Felicia smiled to herself as she pulled on her catsuit, making sure to add some extra armor where she could put it. She was sure as hell going to need it. She picked up her grapple gun from the table and slotted it into the correct slot on her belt. She retracted her claws from her glove and made sure they were not in need of sharpening. Satisfied with her claws and everything else, she turned to see Peter standing there but he wasn't wearing his typical advanced suit.

"So you decided to wear the suit I made for you did you?" Felicia smirked as she eyed up the all black and red suit, which looked fantastic on him, she had to stop herself from biting her lip.

"Special occasions call for the best suits, plus I think the claws you added to my gloves may come in handy. " Peter walked over towards her and picked her up gently into his arms, Felicia's legs going around his waist to keep herself propped up. "He leaned forward and kissed her passionately, pouring all of his love for her into the kiss.

"Wow, If I knew you would kiss me like that, I would be going into life-threatening situations more often " Peter smiled at her statement, she always knew how to lighten his mood.

"I love you, Felicia"

"I love you too Peter" Felicia gave him a soft kiss once again, before pulling away. "Let's go kick some ass. " She pulled his mask over his face and felt his arms wrap around her waist, a second later they were out of the apartment and swinging towards Brooklyn.

Norman sat on his chair, grinning at the hostage that was still being held by his guards. His plans were coming together nicely and he couldn't wait to take over the city once and for all. He would do a better job than Spider-Man or Wilson Fisk could ever do. He looked up from the hostage and saw Yuri in full costume walk towards him.

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