Chapter 26

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Felicia fired her grapple hook towards the roof of a building and sent herself flying in that direction. Her emotions were all over the place right now. Norman tried to murder her Peter and she wasn't gonna let him get away with it. She was going to make sure Norman suffers the pain that he caused her. Shaking her head slightly to clear the dangerous thoughts, she took out her phone to see if anything had been reported about Norman by the news but nothing was. Sighing she started to hunt.

Norman landed on top of the Oscorp tower. He looked around the roof and smirked to himself and walked towards the edge of the building and looked out over the city. He took a deep breath and started to drink it all in. In his mind, the city would be his soon enough and he couldn't wait to be in control once again but first, he needed to announce his return to the full world. Pulling out his phone, he dialled the number of one of his contacts from the press.

"If you want real news, send a chopper and camera crew to Oscorp tower, Norman Osborn is about to save this city from a threat that has been terrorising this city for nearly 9 years. "

"Yes sir, we will be right there " The reported replied and quickly hung up.

"Now we wait," Norman said to himself and removed the goblin mask from his face. He turned to his glider and turned the power off. He stood around thinking about what he was going to say until he heard the familiar noise of a helicopter approaching. He smirked as the chopper hovered in front of him, he could see that the camera was pointed right at him. He put his mask back on and increased the sound of his voice thanks to his mask so that he could be heard.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman of New York and the world. I am Norman Osborn, owner of Oscorp and former mayor of New York. Now you probably have questions on where I have been for the last 6 months. " Norman paused as he thought of how to continue. " Well, I can tell you the exact reason. I have been away planning on ways to save this city and remove the scum that has infested our streets. Who is the scum you may wonder? well, it's Spider-Man and his little girlfriend Black Cat. They have been running free in this city for years and now it has to stop. It has stopped. Ladies and gentleman of New York, I can proudly announce that Spider-Man is most likely dead now and his little girlfriend will soon follow. I was nice enough to leave and let her mourn her loss. Now onto business, I am here to take this city back from those criminals and make it the best place to live for everyone, join me and I promise you all the opportunities to succeed in this world. "

Norman smirked once again as he reduced the volume on his voice and mounted his glider after powering it on. He was about to take off however when another chopper approached, this one a police chopper.

"Norman Osborn" Captain Stacy shouted from the chopper. " You are under arrest for the attempted murder of school children and for terrorist acts with your involvement in the bombs being planted in a school. You have a right to remain silent but anything you do say could harm your defence. Please come with us willingly.

"Oh look who it is, Captain Stacy, the worst replacement they could find for the great Yuri Watanabe " Norman sneered at the man from under his mask and was itching to attack.

"Real big talk coming from a guy who put some innocent kids in danger, you don't get to talk to me about who is the best you son of a bitch, now hands up and step off the board now!" Captain Stacy set foot on the roof and held his gun up at Norman, a couple of officers behind him, doing the same thing.

"Oh, of course, Captain, just let me get my stuff " Norman stood off his glider but he didn't walk towards them. He held one hand up and something came flying out of his glider and into his waiting hand.

"I call them pumpkin bombs captain, let us see how you like them?" Norman threw the explosive at the police and it landed in front of them. Captain Stacy seeing what was hoping to happen yelled: "Get back, it's gonna blow!" He dived at another officer and knocked him as far back as he could, he covered his ears and head with his arms and felt the ground shake with the explosion.

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