Chapter 22

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Brooklyn Warehouse.

Yuri walked into the warehouse and spotted Norman leaning over his desk in what looked like a green suit of armor. As she got closer she saw that it was his prototype combat suit but this one was different, it looked further along in development.

"Nice suit, can it kill cats?" Yuri smirked as Norman looked up at her. He smiled back at her and inspected what he was wearing.

"Yes it can but most importantly it can kill Spiders. " Norman then put the mask on and started to run through diagnostics to make sure nothing was amiss. Once he was satisfied he put the mask down and looked at Yuri again.

"This suit right here is paired with the glider over there." Norman pointed to his glider which was floating on its own. " That glider is our biggest weapon. It has the speed and weapons we need to kill Felicia Hardy and Peter Parker. Once those two are out of the picture, I will have my city back and you, Miss Watanabe will be in control of justice under my reign.

"You won't win." Norman and Yuri turned in the direction where the voice came from. They glared at their defiant hostage and walked over to them. Norman bowed down and took the hostage's chin in his hands.

"You know my dear, you shouldn't speak when others are talking, it is extremely rude of you. You should know better " Norman was rewarded when the hostage spit in his face. He leaned back and wiped the saliva from his face. When he looked back at the hostage he saw her smirking which enraged him further. He pressed a button on his suit and a blade came out of his arm. He kneeled down and pressed the blade to the hostage's throat.

"Now listen here you little bitch, you and this whole city have lost and I have won you hear me? When I kill the Spider and his little girlfriend, I am going to make you watch and I am going to show you them suffering until they are begging for death. I am going to slowly break every bone in their bodies... then I will kill them. Once you have witnessed your heroes die, then I will kill you. So do you still want to spit in my face when I have been generous and kept you alive when I could have just killed you already?"

Norman was shocked to see the hostage smirk at him again, even with the blade at her throat. "As I said, you will lose and you will be found out for the disgrace that you are. People are going to know everything you did as mayor, they are going to know how much of a coward you are. So threaten me all you want, I don't give a damn what you say, Spider-Man and the Cat will beat you. "

Norman raised his hand and brought it down on the face, his armored hand causing her cheek to get cut and start to bleed.

"It was nice knowing you," Norman said this with a sneer and walked away. Yuri stared at the hostage and just shook her head and walked off after Norman.


Peter and Felicia sat on top of the empire state building just enjoying each other's company. Felicia was buried deep into Peter's chest as they looked out over the gorgeous city that they called home. The sun was just beginning to set and it made the city look even better than ever.

"Don't you just love moments like these? " Peter said quietly but Felicia was able to hear him. She looked up at his face and smiled as she ran her hand down his cheek which happened to be cold because of how high they were currently sitting.

"I do love these moments sweetie. These are the moments I missed while we were separated but I am glad to have them back. I don't plan on losing them either. " She stared into his eyes as she brought the hand of his that she was holding up to her lips and kissed gently.

"I don't plan on losing you either, everything just makes so much more sense with you. " Peter laid his head on her forehead as she kissed his hand.

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