Chapter 15

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"Hey there Spider, long time no see, miss me?" Felicia purred over the phone causing Peter to smile.

"If it isn't the beautiful black cat, what can I do for you?" he answered back with as his smile only grew.

"Well It has been half an hour since you left and I already miss you. What are you doing currently?" Felicia sat on the couch in her house and lay down as she spoke to him.

"I am actually on my way to take down some bad guys trying to steal a bike. Who needs a gang to steal a bicycle? " Peter chuckled as she did as well.

"Well you know New York sweetie, a lot of crazies live in this city." she heard action on the other side of the line and smiled as she waited patiently for him to finish.

"Now with that dealt with, I am now free. I am headed to see Harry Osborn, want me to come over afterward?"

"Yes please, I want to cuddle tonight," Felicia said with a slight blush on her face, she still couldn't believe they were now together again.

"Your wish is my command, my lady!" Felicia laughed at Peter's antics and was about to ready to leave him to what he needed to do.

"Well sweetie, I will see you when you get here, love you"

"I love you too, I will see you later." Felicia smiled at his words and hung up the phone and stretched her arms out. She was on her way to a full recovery but she still felt some pain from time to time.

Peter walked into the main entrance of the shelter and went right to Harry's office. He knocked on the door and Harry opened it and welcomed Peter into a hug.

"Pete it is good to see you," Harry said with a smile on his face, but he was awfully pale.

"Harry you doing alright?" Peter asked with concern, was Harry's sickness getting worse and progressing faster? He thought.

"Yeah I am good man, just didn't sleep much last night, I had company over if you know what I mean. " Peter just chuckled with a nod.

"Well alright but if you ever need anything, you let me know," Peter said and Harry nodded.

"So I hear you and MJ called it quits, are you doing okay?" Harry asked softly

"Yeah I am, it was a mutual decision, she is still one of my best friends, I just happen to like someone else. "

"She didn't say you were with anyone else but damn man you work faster than I do." Harry grinned as Peter rolled his eyes.

"I am with Felicia now actually." Harry stared at Peter and shook his head.

"Good for you Pete, she is a sexy lady, you are lucky," Harry said with some jealousy in his voice.

"Hey I am not with her for her looks, she is so much more than that."

"Sure, I guess, " Harry said with a shrug and it actually angered Peter how Harry thought of Felicia.

"I am sorry if you liked her Harry but me and her have a history " Again Harry shook his head.

"I don't have time for a relationship, you know me, I move onto other girls quick."

"I couldn't do that to Felicia, she isn't just a girl to me, she is more than that. " Peter said and Harry just looked at the floor.

"Fine, I get it. What brings you here anyway?" Harry asked as he didn't meet Peter's eye.

"I wanted to check up on you and see what is new?" Peter sat down on the couch in the office, it didn't look different from how Mr. Li had it arranged.

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