Chapter 29

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Harry sat in his office, eyes fixed firmly on the television. He could feel his anger bubbling beneath the surface as he sat watching the night's events on the news. It has been a couple of hours since he found out what happened to his father. The police came and informed him of his passing but he was rather paranoid that they were leaving out some details. At first, Harry went into shock, not only has he lost his mother but now his father. He was now all alone with this stupid disease that would soon kill him. He turned on the news a short time later and watched the altercation between Spider-Man, Black Cat, and his father. He watched as the moment the explosion went off, the cameras immediately cut. He was now constantly pausing to look at different shots of what happened. From what he could see Spider-Man and his father were talking only for Spider-Man to suddenly get up and jump away as the explosion happened, killing his father in the process. He rewinded again, as he saw his father be killed before his eyes. He had several questions running through his mind. Why hadn't Spider-Man saved him? He was supposed to be the hero. Was Spider-Man the one who triggered the explosion? It had to be, it was the only thing that made sense. He rewinded the tv again and watched as Spider-Man was constantly hurting his father with what looked like electric webs. He watched as his father's suit began to smoke, this is what must have caused the explosion Harry thought.

Harry stood up from his chair, he started to feel tears of anguish and anger slip down his cheeks. He clenched his fists and slammed them into the table, slowly letting his anger get the best of him. He looked at the paused TV again and threw his phone at it, smashing the screen and breaking his phone in the process. He threw the chair he was sitting on across the room and watched it collide with a wall. He looked at his hands and saw that they were red with how hard he was clenching them. He didn't care that he was letting his anger get the best of him, he had lost everything and he didn't know what to do. He slammed his head down onto the table and started to sob into his arms, feeling his anger rising with each sob.

"This is all Spider-Man's fault! He killed him!" Harry cried out in anger, as he smashed his hand into the table.

"He is supposed to the hero, why did he kill my father when he could have easily just arrested him!" Again Harry slammed his fist into the table, causing a hole in the shape of a fist to appear He didn't notice though.

"I am going to make that webbed bastard pay, Spider-Man is going to die and I will to it myself. I will show him how much I can truly make him suffer!"

Hary screamed one last time and smashed both hands down onto the table, watching it snap half. Shocked by his own strength Harry backed away slowly from the table. He walked over and went to pick his broken phone up but stopped. He looked closely at his arm, his veins were now turning a black color. He started to panic as he felt his body change slightly, his full right arm was now covered in a black substance that looked oddly familiar to the goo in the tank his father used to fight his disease.

"What is happening to me Harry asked himself out loud.

He watched in horror as his other arm was now the exact same way, he began to feel extreme pain as the goo started to cover his torso, ripping his shirt in the process as his chest grew larger. He lay on the floor screaming in pain, the goo slowly taking over his full body. He crawled at the floor, trying to forget about the excruciating pain he was feeling.

"Please make this pain stop!" Harry yelled as his face was slowly covered by the goo. His teeth started to grow and turned more into a predator's teeth compared to human teeth. This caused Harry to groan is even more pain and discomfort. He just wanted this to stop. He was so close to passing out but he heard a voice inside his head speaking to him. It didn't sound like his own.

"Hello, Harry. " The mysterious voice said to him mentally.

"Wh.. who are you?" Harry said back to the voice, still feeling the immense pain.

"You will find out soon enough but not worry, the pain will stop soon. " It said in return.

"What is this?" Harry asked, fearing the answer slightly.

"This is what has kept you alive, I have kept you alive. I have just been waiting for the right moment to make my move. " The voice sounded rather terrifying inside his head but he continued to speak.

"My father created you?" Harry replied

"Yes, he gave me life, my sole purpose was to keep you alive while he looked for a cure to your disease."

"How do you know about my disease? " Harry asked while the pain made his lip tremble slightly.

"I live inside of you, I am your guardian angel. "

"Why can I hear from you now? And why did you cover me in this weird goo?" Harry asked.

"Harry it was you that caused this to happen, I feed off your anger. Tell me, why are you angry?"

"Spider-Man killed my father, but I assume you already know that. I want him dead, I want to take his head myself. " Harry said through his predator like gritted teeth.

"And do you think you are powerful enough to take down the Spider?" The Mysterious voice mentally grinned as Harry replied.


"You are wrong Harry, with me and this newfound ability of yours, we can kill the Spider and the revenge your father deserves. I promise you that I will keep you alive from your disease. "

"How could I trust you?" Harry asked as he was now sitting up, really feeling his new body. He felt no pain anymore, just pure power radiating from him, it made him smirk slightly.

"I am in your head Harry, I couldn't hide anything from you "

Harry stood up and looked in the mirror, his face was covered by the black goo but he had huge sharp teeth and a tongue like an animal. He grinned to himself as he looked at his solid body.

"What do you call yourself?" Harry asked out loud, smiling as the mysterious voice replied in his head.

"Well Venom, shall we go hunt a Spider?"

A/N - So that is that for Chapter 29! I know it was on the short side but that was done on purpose. The story is one chapter from being finished and you know what, I am relieved and sad at the same time. It has honestly been a pleasure writing for all of you and I really hope I done the story justice. This is just my way to keep you all occupied until an eventual sequel release for the game. Anyway, as you now know, Harry with the power of Venom is the main villain for my Marvel's Spider-Man 3. Peter, Felicia, and MJ will have to battle against the darkness trying to take them over. As always If you have the time, could you please post a rating out of 10 for the overall story? Please be honest, because I need all the feedback I can get. See you all soon for Chapter 30!

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