Chapter 12

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Peter sat on the chair next to Felicia's hospital bed, she was currently having a shower with the assistance of the female nurse that he first saw when he first brought her here. Being along gave him a chance to think about Walter Hardy's words to him. He knew he was in love with MJ but he didn't want any harm to ever come to Felicia, she meant a lot more to him than he even thought. Yeah, they dated for a while but are there still lingering feelings? He felt awful just thinking like this, he was with MJ and her alone. If he was single he would for sure go out with Felicia in a heartbeat but he wasn't.

Peter's head turned towards the door as Felicia came walking out with the nurse, she was smirking at him.

"Shame you weren't allowed to join me, the nurse is a party pooper " Felicia gently lay down and held her stomach as the pain was still pretty bad.

"As I said before Miss Hardy, your boyfriend isn't allowed in the shower room. We can't be having any funny business in this hospital " The nurse smiled knowingly at Felicia's frown.

"I am not her boyfriend," Peter said to the nurse slowly.

"Oh I am sorry to assume such a thing, you guys would make a cute couple though " The nurse smiled and left the room, she noticed the frown was now worse on Felicia's face.

Peter turned back to Felicia and saw the frown. "What's wrong?" He asked softly.

Felicia turned to him and sighed. "Nothing I am just in pain and I don't like lying around here doing nothing."

"Yeah I get that, but at least you are still alive. I thought I lost you at some point. "

Felicia lost her frown as she looked at the worry in his eyes. " Thank you for being here with me" She whispered and rubbed his hand gently. Peter looked at their hands and smiled softly, it felt good to hold her hand. no snap out of it parker, he told himself.

"Uh so did the nurse say when you might be able to leave?" Peter hoped she didn't notice he was having an inner turmoil right now. She smiled softly at him.

"She said I can get out in the next day or 2, but I won't be able to do anything physical for the next few weeks until I get these stitches out. " Felicia frowned again.

"Looks like I will be wearing sweatpants every day for the next few weeks. " This caused Peter to laugh and she even giggled a little bit.

"I don't get it, here you are lying in a hospital bed after just being shot and you still find a way to light up my mood without even trying, " Peter said softly as he held her hand tightly.

"What can I say, I have a way with men who dress up in skin-tight suits and saves peoples lives," Felicia said through the blush that Peter had caused.

"What the hell is this?" Peter and Felicia turned to see MJ standing at the door, a furious look on her face. Peter's jaw hit the floor and instantly let go of Felicia's hand and stood. MJ continued to stare at him and then Felicia.

"You have 5 seconds to explain why you were holding her hand or else we are done," MJ said loudly, causing Peter to flinch.

"MJ it was nothing honestly, we are just friends, I am with you," Peter said softly as Felicia watched on.

"That's bull crap Peter, no one holds a friends hand like that, have you been cheating on me when I have been in Symkaria? "

Peter now had an angry look on his face and was about to retort but Felicia was now on her feet and standing beside Peter, she spoke first.

"No he hasn't been cheating on you! Nothing has happened between us"

MJ stared at Felicia with anger. " I knew you were trouble, Why are you even back? No one wants you here!"

Felicia stared back at the angry MJ and was about to answer back but Peter stopped her.

"MJ what Felicia says is true, me and her are only working together nothing else, and you don't have to talk to her like that, I want her here "

Felicia looked at Peter as he stood up to MJ to defend her, she smiled mentally and turned to MJ again who was still glaring.

"Why would you want her here after she played you? " MJ asked Peter.

"Because she saved my life and has been helping me with Yuri. " Peter said, standing his ground.

MJ stared between the both of them and just sighed.

"Fine I am sorry for jumping to conclusions," MJ said as she looked up at Peter.

"It is okay, I am really happy you are back, Did you get what you needed from Symkaria?" Peter asked.

"Yes I did, even though I had to fly back early to check to see how she was doing " MJ glared at Felicia again who just stood there glaring back.

"Guys if we are going to work together, we need to stop arguing amongst ourselves. "

MJ and Felicia both nodded at his words and MJ soon spoke up.

"Fine I will play nice, I better get home and pack Peter can you come by my place later? I want to go over some of the Symkaria stuff."

"Sure I can do that " Peter turned to Felicia and she nodded her agreement.

"Cool, see you soon tiger." MJ kissed his cheek gently and left the room.

"well that was something" Felicia exclaimed as she sat down on the bed again, Peter retook his seat next to her.

"It really was and something tells me I am still not out the doghouse. Sorry that I have to leave you tonight, I do need to know whats going on in Symkaria."

Felicia nodded her head and smiled at him.

"I understand, Peter. I will be fine here cause I know you will be coming back to me eventually "

Peter blushed softly and nodded his head. "I won't abandon you "

Brooklyn Warehouse.

Yuri stood in front of Norman's desk, she was notified that he had news for her.

"So seems like Felicia Hardy is alive"

Yuri stared at the older man with shock on her face. " How did she survive and how did you know her real identity? I don't remember telling you "

Norman just laughed at what she said. " I made a call and found out from one of my own that she was in fact in F.E.A.S.T. with non other than my son's best friend, Peter Parker. "

"The guy who used to take Spider-Man picture?" Yuri asked.

"The one and only, I was also informed that Hardy seems close to Peter, I think we can use him to lure the cat out and finish the job. "

"You still didn't answer my question, how did she survive?" Yuri demanded.

"Seems Peter got her to a medical facility in time, it saved her life. Any updates on the Spider?"

"None, He has been quiet since the Cat was taken out. "

"Interesting " Norman said to himself.

Sorry for the semi-short chapter everyone but I hope you all enjoyed it anyway. Will Norman be able to figure out what is actually happening? Will MJ and Felicia be able to work together in order to save the city from Yuri and Norman? As always please let me know what you think by reviewing, I really appreciate it.

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