Chapter 21

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Peter awoke in the morning with a still sleeping blonde with her head on his chest, her hair was actually beginning to tickle his nose and he tried not to laugh. He yawned quietly hoping to not wake Felicia up as he reached for his phone and saw he had a message from Miles telling him that he needed to call him when he could, he had news. Peter quickly went to his contact list and called Miles after finding his name. It only took a couple of rings before Miles picked up.

"Pete you called!" Miles shouted down the line causing Peter to remove his ear from the phone and make sure it didn't wake Felicia up.

"Hey Miles, what has you so excited? You didn't go swinging on your own, did you? Remember what I said about that.." Peter was cut off by Miles who started to laugh at where the conversation was turning.

"No Pete, It has nothing to do with swinging or training. I just wanted some advice. " Miles was starting to get nervous.

"Advice about what Miles?" Peter asked curiously as he kissed Felicia on her forehead, causing her to smile in her sleep.

"Well, I uh kinda helped this girl the other day from getting hit by a car. That isn't why I am calling though turns she is the daughter of one of my Mom's friends from work and she came to our house for dinner the other night. I got to know her a bit and I think I really like her. She is smart, she is funny and wow she is gorgeous." Miles said with a smile on his face.

Peter chuckled softly as he spoke again. "Ah, so you have a crush now huh?" Peter continued to chuckle.

"Don't laugh at me!" Miles said with amusement in his voice.

"I am not I am just laughing at the situation you are in cause I have been there before. "

"You have? with who? " Miles asked.

"Well It was with MJ actually, it was during high school when I really started to get feelings for her."

"How long did you wait to tell her how you felt, Pete?" Miles asked him curiously.

"Well I waited a while to be perfectly honest with you, she was my best friend and I was young and still figuring out how girls you know, ticked. I still don't even think I have figured that out yet. But anyway, I didn't tell MJ how I felt until I was at least 17. We started dating not long after that." Peter ran his hand through Felicia's hair as he heard MIles begin to speak again.

"So I basically just take my time and see where it goes?"

"Yeah, something like that. Also, don't forget that it's a good idea to become friends with her first. It helps you figure your feeling out better in any other way. Ask if she wants to hang out and be there for her if she ever needs a friend, but don't ever be clingy okay?"

Miles nodded his head at what Peter said. " Of course Pete, hey thanks, man. I wish I could talk to my dad about this stuff but I am happy I get to talk to you about it. "

Peter smiled at Miles's words, which truly touched him that Miles trusted him. "Miles I already know that your dad is looking down on you right now and willing you on to get the girl. He is very proud of everything you have accomplished so far in life. make him proud more.

Miles smiled at Peter's words as his mom knocked on the door.

"Hey Pete I gotta go, I will talk to you later. Thank you for the advice "

"Okay Miles talk soon " Peter put the phone down and looked down to see Felicia smirking at him.

"What?" Peter asked before she leaned forward and planted her lips on his, giving a searing good morning kiss that left him dazed as she pulled away.

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