Chapter 5

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"Ladies and gentleman i have breaking news!" Jameson yelled through the phone that Peter was currently listening to.

"It has come to our attention that Spider-Man has been seen playing with cats. NO JARED I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT REAL CATS! " Jameson took a pause and lowered his voice but you could tell he was now speaking through clenched teeth.

"I am talking about the Black Cat, she is in fact back in town and has started causing trouble with that menace Spider-Man! I have it in good authority that these menaces have been lurking on rooftops scouting out their next big score. Now i ask you New York was it not enough that they destroyed the famous MMoCA museum! NO THEN I GUESS YOU, IDIOTS, LIKE PAYING MORE TAXES! "

Peter winced as the podcast ended and put his phone back on his bed. He was in his apartment getting ready to head over to the F.E.A.S.T shelter to help Harry out. The center was getting much busier these days so he could spare an hour or two to help out in whatever way he could. Sighing Peter put some bread in the toaster and waited for it to pop. 2 minutes later the toast was ready and he quickly spread some butter onto it and started to eat it on his way out the door. He wanted to take the subway today, although he did have his suit just in case.

Walking out of his apartment building, he walked downstairs leading to the subway and waited for his train beside the tracks, listening to music in his earphones. He didn't sense someone walking up behind him and touching him on his shoulder. Still he didn't flinch because he knew if it was danger then his sense would have told him. He turned around and seen a smiling Miles.

"Hey Miles, you on your way to the shelter right now?" Peter asked casually as both of them had a one-armed embrace.

"Yeah i am, had 5 new people join the shelter yesterday so i am going in to help them settle then to also help Harry with whatever he needs help with., what about you? i am surprised to see you waiting for a subway, you usually have other forms of transportation. " Miles winked at Peter causing him to chuckle.

"Well,i wanted to feel remotely normal today and take a different form of transportation. However,i am ready to jump into action if anything comes up. "

"Talking about action, when are we going to train again? i promise not to fall off a building this time." Miles whispered the last part so only Peter could hear.

Peter laughed again. "Soon, maybe if the city behaves we can train a little bit on Saturday but make sure you have all your homework done and help Harry whenever he needs it. "

Miles nodded his head and both of them got on the subway and made their way to the Shelter in comfortable silence, Miles messing with his hacking up on his phone and Peter sending a couple of good morning messages to MJ and making sure she has eaten breakfast or lunch depending on the time difference. Soon the train stopped at their destination and they both made their way through the front doors of F.E.A.S.T..

"I will see you around Peter, if you are looking for Harry check his office or the kitchen, that man can actually cook. " Miles said with a chuckle.

"What is that supposed to mean Miles?" Harry asked with an amused voice, obviously hearing the conversation, he walked over and gave Peter a one-armed hug.

Peter laughed at the interaction. "Harry we have been best friends for years, i didn't even know you could cook. "

Harry chuckled. "Well my Mom taught me of course before she died, but i also picked up somethings when i was uh in Europe last year. "

Harry watched as Peter looked at him weirdly for a second and then nod his head.

"So yeah how was Europe? I am not sure that i asked you about it."

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