Chapter 27

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Norman stood with Felicia above his head, laughing maniacally before he launched her from the building. Felicia let out a gasp of surprise as she began to fall several stories. She stared in front of her as she saw the roof of Oscorp tower getting further away from her view. She closed her eyes, preparing herself for the impact with the ground that would surely kill her. She had one thought running through her mind, Peter. What was he going to do when she died? Would he be able to cope with the fact that his girlfriend had died? Knowing Peter he would blame himself and she really didn't want him to feel guilty if she died. She smiled softly knowing it was her time, she allowed her body to be taken over by the love that Peter felt for her and was content with him being her last thought. About 30 feet from impact she heard screams from down below of people watching her body fall, she felt a tear come to her eye. She suddenly felt something wrap around her waist and she felt her body get yanked up slightly. She opened her eyes with a gasp.

A Couple Minutes Before.

Peter was swinging as fast as he could, trying his best to ignore the pain from the stab wound caused my Norman earlier. All he cared about right now was getting to Felicia. He landed on a building just beside Oscorp tower and looked up. He was about to fire a web to the building and head up but something falling caught his attention. He squinted his eyes and saw the unmissable silver hair flapping as the body fell. It was Felicia. He went to fire a web so he could catch her and stop her fall but something stopped him. If he came in from below Felicia, she would crash into him and the sudden stop could snap her body in two. He had to play this smart, it was a risk he had to take but he had to let her get below him so he could limit the fall as much as he could. As he watched her fall below him now, he dived from the building he was on and angled his body towards her. He fired 2 webs towards the ground which was about 40 feet from where he was and used them to slingshot himself after her much faster. He got within range and wrapped his arm around her waist and fired a web at the building he was just on, it stuck and he felt them both get yanked up slightly. He was relieved to hear her let out a gasp as she opened her eyes and stared right at him. Her eyes went wide before her emotions got the better of her, Felicia started to sob into Peter's chest, holding him as tightly as possible, not wanting to let him go.

"Hey it's okay I got you. " Peter whispered to her, this just made her sob more. Peter wrapped his glove hand around her shoulder and held her to him, he thought he was going to lose her but he managed to save her. He looked up and thanked whoever was watching over them.

"I can't believe you caught me " Felicia sniffed as she looked at Peter through teary eyes.

"I wasn't gonna let you die now was I? I can't lose you, Felicia, I wouldn't be able to live on without you." Peter gave her a soft smile from under his mask as she leaned her forehead on his masked one.

"Peter I love you " Felicia whispered to him as she kissed his lips through the mask causing him to smile softly.

"I love you too, but we are not done yet, We need to take this Norman down for good. He won't get away with trying to take you away from me " Peter growled the last part and started to swing towards the roof. Felicia held onto him as he was doing so, still trying to get her composure back. Soon they reached the roof and saw Norman was still there, talking to the camera crews that were recording him live from the choppers.

"Man this guy is worse than Screwball " Peter whispered as he and Felicia landed behind Norman. Peter let go of Felicia and she saw him take his usual fighting stance.

"Norman it's over, as long as I breathe I won't let you take this city over. Knowing you, you would try to make another devil's breath serum. " Peter walked towards Norman who had now turned around and was sneering at them. "That's what you want control of the city for right? So you can do whatever you want?" Felicia could tell by Peter's voice that he wasn't playing any games, he was fuming with what Norman tried to kill Felicia.

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