Chapter 13

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Felicia was getting ready to leave the hospital, a fact she was very happy about. She finished packing the rest of her stuff and turned to see Peter walking in with MJ.

"You ready to go?" Peter asked Felicia, as MJ stood beside him.

"Yeah I am all set, how are we getting to my place with the 3 of us?" Felicia asked as she smiled politely at MJ, who tried to smile back.

"Cab, I don't think you can be running on rooftops for a little while. " Peter chuckled and took Felicia's bag for her as MJ soon spoke.

"We best get going, I don't like hospitals " MJ tuned and walked out the room, Peter and Felicia following her. Soon the trio reached the streets of New York and MJ hailed a cab. She got into it after Peter opened the door for her and then watched as he helped Felicia into the seat beside her. MJ shifted uncomfortably and looked out the other window away from Felicia. Peter jumped into the front seat beside the driver and told him the address, they were soon on their way Felicia's place.

"So Pete, did you read that draft I sent you last night?" MJ asked as she took Peter's hand as she spoke to him from the back.

"Yes I did manage to read it and it looks really good, Sable helping you with it shocks me still. Like she isn't bad but I didn't take her for answering reporters questions. "

"Yeah, when I first saw her I thought she was going to shoot me on the spot. I think she just appreciated the fact someone was trying to get the real story out there" MJ said softly as they soon pulled up in front of Felicia's building and they all got out. Felicia was holding her stomach because it hurt really badly and put her arm around Peter's shoulder to help balance herself. He walked slowly with her to the front door and MJ watched them from behind.

Once inside the building, Peter helped Felicia to the elevator and held MJ's hand with the other as they started to move up to the top floor. When they reached the right floor, they walked out and into the apartment through the door. Peter gently sat Felicia on the couch and MJ sat on a chair opposite her. MJ watched as Peter help Felicia take her pain pills and just sighed silently, she knew something was going on but was she really mad? Like they could just be friends but the look Felicia gave Peter made her think differently.

"Pete, I gotta get going soon, so shall we talk about how we are going to take Yuri down?"

Peter nodded and sat next to Felicia as he started racking his brain for an idea. Eventually, he spoke. "She is working for someone, I just don't know who. All I know is she is hunting Felicia down on the vendetta against criminals or ex-criminals. It isn't the same Yuri that I helped through all those years, when I look at her now, all I see is a monster who is out for blood and we really need to stop her. "

MJ and Felicia sat listening to his words, thinking of ideas of their own. MJ was the first to speak up. "You say she is hunting criminals? So how would we be able to know her next move? This city is full of criminals "

Felicia spoke up next, "From what Peter has told me, she is hunting maggia members more so than just criminals."

"Then why is she hunting you?" MJ asked Felicia, who just shrugged her shoulders.

"I have no idea but If my guess is right, getting me would somehow bait Peter out to her and her boss. He has been captured already by her and from the little I heard, her boss has a huge vendetta against Spider-Man. "

"At least they don't know my real identity, that would make everything worse. Anyway, who could this boss be? " Peter asked with slight frustration.

"I don't know, there are too many criminals with a vendetta against you to count, " MJ said as she looked at Peter.

"What about the kingpin?" Felicia asked Peter responded with a shake of his head.

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